ABM Reviews

True, HR is not "your friend" at Reckitt that is.At the last pharma company I worked, HR actually cared about the well being and career development of the reps. Here it is crazy. Somehow management just has HR snowed...then again that wouldn't take much. Just dont trust any of the ABM's or the BD's. They absolutely do not do not have our backs.

Someone really needs to assess the competency of the ABMs in this company.

HR is not your friend as an employee. Document and call FDA or get a lawyer or both. Do not continue to let it happen.

Listen, you need to.. and get yourself legal assistance. This is no joke, nor are any of the so called negative posts on this board, with some exception of course. People don't take this much time to tell you and warn you about their horrific experiences, for no reason. Think about that before you call HR.

my abm attacks personally, and intentionally. she enjoys causing strife, and actually gets off on it.

This might be easy to do, if you didn't have to put up with it to keep your job. This has been an ongoing problem here, psychos getting into management, either by a promo from another inept manager-lots here or one of the many low life shitty hires that took place in the second wave, after the launch. You either take her down and be willing to leave if you have to or you will sit there and choke on her filthy ways. I'd suggest not taking the second option. Bitches and Son of pricks abound here and its way past time they got their due. Put on your boxing gloves and take the bitch on. No job is worth this kind of abuse. No job, ever, never. You should confront her, tell her you aren't taking it anymore, then go to management and go as high as you have to tell your truth. You still aren't satisfied, dump the fricken chumps.

Still? Reading these posts are enough to make you throw up in your mouth. Why don't they fire all these ABMs? All of them, today? They don't do a damn thing. If it weren't for us, there would be no one to cover their behinds for doing nothing. Waste of space, time and money.

We have a problem with ABMs at RB. Some think they are above the law, smarter than everyone else (including management) and are abusive. If something happens to me, I will defend myself in every way possible and that includes whistleblowing. I don't want to have to do this, but RB needs to clean up this mess of ABMs. Keep records people!

Once again people who do the ABM's report to? The BD's are a problem as well. A big one. Too much work and worry for them to let an ABM go. The middle management at Rb is a joke.

That's exactly what is being expressed here. That post, did you see it? Probably not. It was about the ABMs, how they operate and who should be fired. Its gone. Why? It hit the nail on the head and that is why the droid ABMs get them removed as fast as they can. Let me say it again, RB could get rid of 99% of their problems if they would go after the manager want to be's, who have run off the most CLs.

That is not hard to target. Look at who has been through how many CL's and its very simple. The assholes ran of the most skilled and loyal CLs. They put their trolls out on reconnaissance, which is easy to do, when you are desperate to pay for a new house or are dying for recognition you don't deserve or ...you just want a promo or a trip. The trolls distort comments, they make up lies and then when they still don't get what they want from their ABMS, the lies just get worse until, they get what they want and their highly competent coworker, gets gone. Wise up or keep payin for turnover.