ABM Reviews

Sick, just sick. No, not good sick, but bad sick. Bad ABM. Very very BAD. Why? A real bad hire. They've got to do something better in terms of screening these people, before hiring them.

Sick, just sick. No, not good sick, but bad sick. Bad ABM. Very very BAD. Why? A real bad hire. They've got to do something better in terms of screening these people, before hiring them.

Obviously posted from someone outside the company who knows nothing of the FL ABM. She is from RBP and is Awesome!

What about the "Sr. ABM" spots, what's that all about? Is that some way of promoting the ABMs or just another BS title RBP came up with that really is no different than a regular ABM?

To Post #23. Who THF said anything in that post you quoted, about the Florida ABM? That's EXACTLY the kind of knee jerk reaction that is pervasive here OR it was an intentional re-direction from my ABM in a pathetic attempt to the monkey off his back. He and his little bitches, what a joke. Anyway, nutjob, re-read the post you quoted, stupidly and tell us how it is you ASSumed it had anything to do with the Florida ABM. Damn, you are scary stupid. Are you mental or what? Eatin ludes for breakfast? Shit!!. The comment was about ABMS in general and some in particular, who were NOT even mentioned. Go directly to DETOX and never go into any sales that require any sort of i.q. or mental stability!!!!