Neuromod battery pulled off shelves


Heard from one of my physicians this afternoon that the Eon Mini was recently pulled from the shelves? Anybody have any details? I know they've had recent issues with recalls.

What I have gathered from multiple sources:

1) Eon Mini battery problem (third in approx. 1 year);
2) Inventory is limited at this point;
3) Cases are being cancelled due to product availability issues;
4) FDA inspection led to the problem being escalated;
5) Customers and competitors are aware and discussing options.

Complications of the problem:

1) No PPR to show the reliability of products or to reassure customers on QA efforts;
2) No decent second tier rechargeable or primary cell device to fall back on;
3) Field force already demoralized by realignments, RIFs and previous quality issues now has another problem to deliver to customers.

Thanks for the motivating email KB. Did you forget that Medtronic has options too? Desperate try to spin things but if you are a half-brained rep it might be spinnable

Wheres Pepi Gonzalez when you need him? Im guessing he's at the catfish pond on his ranch

Pepi has actually taken the CEO role at TriVascular. You dumb shits bought his BS story all along. Left you with a big bag of poop. Can't believe anyone would ever trust the guy - BUT YOU DID!
Good luck with that!!

The Eon continues to disappoint. What the hell is with our mfg process and quality control? Is it really that fricken hard? Customers are rolling their eyes and saying enough is enough already. We in the field are compromising our customer relationships. I want a 10% quota reduction.....At Least! Hegi, get control of your ship or you'll fall off the mat. I don't want to sell the Eon Brick. Whoops, the "c" I mean. It's a joke, laughable to our customers. Leadership decisions being made at so many levels here are disappointing. Why why why?

Pepi has actually taken the CEO role at TriVascular. You dumb shits bought his BS story all along. Left you with a big bag of poop. Can't believe anyone would ever trust the guy - BUT YOU DID!
Good luck with that!!

You heard it first on CP! Don't believe the folks who tell you not to believe what you read in the Cafe...Mr. Chavez (aka Pepi) has been accepting greenbacks from Transvascular officially since April 11th. I know he misses Texas, but Santa Rosa California aint too bad!

I heard we will be promoting conventional batteries now since Mini issues are a considerable time away from being resolved. Not the best of news unfortunately and we will be sent verbiage for addressing with customers

Let's see. Corporate send lynch men to Plano to clean out the executive team because they were ineffective and replaced them essentially with all new people internally who have never been VPs nor the appropriate experience and obviously haven't made any progressive with resolving the issues. In fact, it appears to have gotten worse. Is it not obvious that the corporate goons are the ones now showing bad leadership decisions? There is a laugh-able case study in here somewhere. Unfortunately it will be a painful death as the good people have left or actively looking to get out.

Plano is loaded with ineptitude. It's a forgone conclusion that leadership is weak and will clean house whenever they are threatened by superior knowledge. Hanchin and the stuttering nurse are prime examples. It's just a shame that their lack of leadership ability is allowed to persist. So many colleagues of theirs roll their eyes when either are credited with anything! As long as I am here, it will pain me to think thy are in charge of guiding us. For that reason, I refuse to accepts their help or guidance

Let's see. Corporate send lynch men to Plano to clean out the executive team because they were ineffective and replaced them essentially with all new people internally who have never been VPs nor the appropriate experience and obviously haven't made any progressive with resolving the issues. In fact, it appears to have gotten worse. Is it not obvious that the corporate goons are the ones now showing bad leadership decisions? There is a laugh-able case study in here somewhere. Unfortunately it will be a painful death as the good people have left or actively looking to get out.

The problem is that the good people are not being incentivized to fix anything. The answer to "why should I put in unpaid overtime to fix the mess" is "you're lucky you still have a job". Not a good motivator.