Neuromod battery pulled off shelves

It is gone for good. Being replaced by "Eon Mega" relabeled from Eon C. This battery can take out small third world countries when dropped from a plane due its imposing size and weight

St Jude is now fighting lawsuits for battery failures of the defective Eon mini model. St Jude is trying to wiggle out of liability under the legal doctrine of pre-emption (see US Sup Ct 2008 decision in Riegel v Medtronic) and shift all replacement costs to the victim or taxpayer, but it recently has been held responsible under a breach of express warranty theory (one year express warranty for any defects in workmanship) in a case in Atlanta (reported at

St Jude is now fighting lawsuits for battery failures of the defective Eon mini model. St Jude is trying to wiggle out of liability under the legal doctrine of pre-emption (see US Sup Ct 2008 decision in Riegel v Medtronic) and shift all replacement costs to the victim or taxpayer, but it recently has been held responsible under a breach of express warranty theory (one year express warranty for any defects in workmanship) in a case in Atlanta (reported at

Do you have a source for the claim of lawsuits?

I have heard two women say that their recalled EON mini is causing them "radiation sickness", that one of them cannot use her arms or legs due to the recalled battery.

Both of these women claim that their hermatically-sealed battery cases have cracked and the internal "liquid" is "coating (their) spinal cords".

They seem to believe that they are experiencing a life-threatening medical issue due to the battery recall.

Are they crazy, or can these women really get radiation sickness from a little short in the micro-circuitry?

These women have a Facebook site called "My Spinal Cord Stimulator", whereby they believe that "over 300" members of this group also have systematic illness related to their recalled units- that many have "cracks" or "rupture" of their battery cases.

One-of the two leaders, "Rinny Beth", claims that her battery case is cracked and she is experiencing radiation sickness because of this. She claims, on many related websites, that her recalled battery is, "frying my bahookie".

The other leader, Cindy A. Walker, who boasts that the neuro-surgeon who implanted her mini EON was her boyfriend whom, she questions, may have purposefully implanted a recalled unit into her as some sort-of recompense toward her. (Interestingly, Walker is employed as a "body wrap" technician, an unlicensed job not requiring a college education- a rather unlikely match for a neurosurgeon.)

She (Walker) also believes that she has acquired, "radiation sickness" due to her recalled battery, that her arms and legs constantly shake and that she is unable to properly use her arms and legs as sequale of her recalled Mini EON battery.

These two freely report these, and many other bizarre symptomatology, on their, "My Spinal Cord Stimulator", Facebook page and their personal Facebook pages.

Rinny Beth also speaks of having commenced litigation against St Judes Medical and believes her MD is "fighting for" her. She is expecting an enormous amount of money for her "suffering".


I have heard two women say that their recalled EON mini is causing them "radiation sickness", that one of them cannot use her arms or legs due to the recalled battery.

Both of these women claim that their hermatically-sealed battery cases have cracked and the internal "liquid" is "coating (their) spinal cords".

They seem to believe that they are experiencing a life-threatening medical issue due to the battery recall.

Are they crazy, or can these women really get radiation sickness from a little short in the micro-circuitry?

These women have a Facebook site called "My Spinal Cord Stimulator", whereby they believe that "over 300" members of this group also have systematic illness related to their recalled units- that many have "cracks" or "rupture" of their battery cases.

One-of the two leaders, "Rinny Beth", claims that her battery case is cracked and she is experiencing radiation sickness because of this. She claims, on many related websites, that her recalled battery is, "frying my bahookie".

The other leader, Cindy A. Walker, who boasts that the neuro-surgeon who implanted her mini EON was her boyfriend whom, she questions, may have purposefully implanted a recalled unit into her as some sort-of recompense toward her. (Interestingly, Walker is employed as a "body wrap" technician, an unlicensed job not requiring a college education- a rather unlikely match for a neurosurgeon.)

She (Walker) also believes that she has acquired, "radiation sickness" due to her recalled battery, that her arms and legs constantly shake and that she is unable to properly use her arms and legs as sequale of her recalled Mini EON battery.

These two freely report these, and many other bizarre symptomatology, on their, "My Spinal Cord Stimulator", Facebook page and their personal Facebook pages.

Rinny Beth also speaks of having commenced litigation against St Judes Medical and believes her MD is "fighting for" her. She is expecting an enormous amount of money for her "suffering".


Since you like naming names Donna Beth Huntington, from Connecticut, in your above "Anonymous" post .... then let's name names. Have you ever heard the term "libel"?

I have to ask, what is the point or purpose behind your lengthy post full of accusations?

YOU state "they believe that over 300" members of this group also have systematic illness related to their recalled units- that many have "cracks" or "rupture" of their battery cases." ... yet, there are little over 100 members in this group. Now there are a recorded 300+ complaints made to the FDA regarding faulty IPG's of Model No. 3788? This is one of many of your "facts" that are wrong.

Have you done any actual reseach on the subject of the St. Jude Eon Mini 3788 and the issues that have arisen with it? Have you looked at the FDA recall information provided on this product? There are quite a few documents out there on the recall of this device, easily attainable via a Google search. Have you done anything beside read some group postings, and then feel the need to make assumptions and rude accusations and provide utterly false information?

What I find even more puzzling is, you do not even have this device implanted, so why are you so concerned? You said yourself, you have another model, and you know no one else with a stimulator, so why the need to spread mis-information about people and a product that does not involve you? Spy for the company? Mad because you can't be compensated for the device you had to have replaced a few years ago? In need of serious attention? Or, are you one of the kookie crazy people you said this message board was full of?