Thoughts on the Three Stooges

Gardasil finally started to show some movement but it will never be where they "want" it to be. Want to discourage and screw the sales force even more? Keep bumping up objectives astronomically and watch us quit, and then wonder why we are unresponsive to any of your demands. We will still be working but on our pace and we will accept getting screwed out of bonus like over in ushh but there are other ways we can and will win. Game on.

Of course the little rascals will lean on us for Gardasil to make up for the disaster with Zostavax. The retail pharmacies are overstocked from last year, the primary care offices don't want the reimbursement hassles and patients don't want to spend over $150 for a vaccine on top of the hundred they spend on prescriptions a month. So we are back to where we have always gotten the business PEDIATRICS, specifically adolescent males and females for Gardasil.

Of course the little rascals will lean on us for Gardasil to make up for the disaster with Zostavax. The retail pharmacies are overstocked from last year, the primary care offices don't want the reimbursement hassles and patients don't want to spend over $150 for a vaccine on top of the hundred they spend on prescriptions a month. So we are back to where we have always gotten the business PEDIATRICS, specifically adolescent males and females for Gardasil.

And the parents still resist and many still remember the Texas "mandate" thanks to Bachmann. Plus you can throw in the "retardation" accusation. Just not certain if that refers to the mother's child or Bachmann herself.

Of course the little rascals will lean on us for Gardasil to make up for the disaster with Zostavax. The retail pharmacies are overstocked from last year, the primary care offices don't want the reimbursement hassles and patients don't want to spend over $150 for a vaccine on top of the hundred they spend on prescriptions a month. So we are back to where we have always gotten the business PEDIATRICS, specifically adolescent males and females for Gardasil.

The little rascals are driving drunk. Just sit on the side and watch them panic as the year progresses and the objectives are falling more and more beyond their reach.

Gardasil finally started to show some movement but it will never be where they "want" it to be. Want to discourage and screw the sales force even more? Keep bumping up objectives astronomically and watch us quit, and then wonder why we are unresponsive to any of your demands. We will still be working but on our pace and we will accept getting screwed out of bonus like over in ushh but there are other ways we can and will win. Game on.

I'm with you. This is a game now since they treat us like pawns every chance they get with the "everything is urgent and must be done at a marathon pace or else nonsense". We can play too, rid the rascals.

I'm with you. This is a game now since they treat us like pawns every chance they get with the "everything is urgent and must be done at a marathon pace or else nonsense". We can play too, rid the rascals.

Everything becomes urgent because they do not understand the true dynamics at play here. Another thread about Pneumo contains the crying of a VS (probably with a deep USHH background) that they had their hospitals buy up huge amounts of the vaccine and now there is a lull as they are heavily stocked and bonus in 2012 depends on moving even more and the hospitals can't move what they already have. Aw, I feel so bad here. Too bad that VS did not have an effective plan to counter whatever obstacles they have now encountered. I'm not saying it always was effective but in MVD we always planned for different roads and therefore the journey was not always smooth but at least it was partially mapped out. I laugh at so many comments here. Yes, MVD is gone and MVID is now the tyrant in control backed by USHH thugs who removed any threats to their existence. I never saw so many threads about vaccines as I have in the last few years. Why is that? Perhaps MVD was a great place to be and work in and MVID is just a place to keep your back to the wall at all times and keep cashing the monthly check because you don't know how long you will be here to remain doing so.

The little rascals are driving drunk. Just sit on the side and watch them panic as the year progresses and the objectives are falling more and more beyond their reach.

Many people who knew and understood vaccines and vaccine sales dynamics have left the building. Saw someone was bitching there was no place for their customers to order Pneumovax because none of the previous doses had moved. Sounds like a ponzi scheme- keep getting them to buy vaccines, then get promoted out, then have the expired vaccines returned for credit so the next person gets it up their ***

I'm with you. This is a game now since they treat us like pawns every chance they get with the "everything is urgent and must be done at a marathon pace or else nonsense". We can play too, rid the rascals.

Everything is urgent because they do not understand the dynamics (see the Pneumovax thread) and thus things come up that were not anticipated, or that were but did not care about as they can shovel it onto the FBEs.

Everything is urgent because they do not understand the dynamics (see the Pneumovax thread) and thus things come up that were not anticipated, or that were but did not care about as they can shovel it onto the FBEs.

Strategic planning seems to be still another thing that left with the MVD people. I don't recall panic mode, disorganization, or folks leading who were clueless about exactly what they were leading us into.

Strategic planning seems to be still another thing that left with the MVD people. I don't recall panic mode, disorganization, or folks leading who were clueless about exactly what they were leading us into.

They will try to sugar coat the panic with family pictures, playing our favorite songs and all of this talk about that we are family down in Atlanta this week but the chaos and pressure will be escalated here on out this year. Don't fall for the illusion. This division is in some serious trouble and they cannot figure out how to fix it because they are not qualified to do it.

They will try to sugar coat the panic with family pictures, playing our favorite songs and all of this talk about that we are family down in Atlanta this week but the chaos and pressure will be escalated here on out this year. Don't fall for the illusion. This division is in some serious trouble and they cannot figure out how to fix it because they are not qualified to do it.

There are lots of qualified people but unfortunately they are all working for the competition or in other lines of work these days. MVD was a great place to be. MVID stings when you pee.

They will try to sugar coat the panic with family pictures, playing our favorite songs and all of this talk about that we are family down in Atlanta this week but the chaos and pressure will be escalated here on out this year. Don't fall for the illusion. This division is in some serious trouble and they cannot figure out how to fix it because they are not qualified to do it.

Not quite the movie line but- I love the smell of panic in the morning

They will try to sugar coat the panic with family pictures, playing our favorite songs and all of this talk about that we are family down in Atlanta this week but the chaos and pressure will be escalated here on out this year. Don't fall for the illusion. This division is in some serious trouble and they cannot figure out how to fix it because they are not qualified to do it.

Perhaps they should go through the MVD HR files and send out recalls to everyone they have gotten rid of over the last 6 years? Probably none would return though because after all, it is MVID now.