
With competition for Pneumovax 23 in the form of Prevnar 13 and GSK coming out with its shingles vaccines in a couple years watch how much more scared the Little Rascals and many of their reps become. They couldn't sell Pneumovax 23 and Zostavax without competition. Ignorance and panic are now running rampant compliments of the Three Stooges and the Little Rascals are picking up where they were run off.

Besides that, most of the Gardasil and almost all of the Varivax was sold in Ped offices but they decided to give equal credit. What a sham. Just look at how Pneuomax-23 did before the expansion and after as far as growth. We build the business and they could not expand.

Besides that, most of the Gardasil and almost all of the Varivax was sold in Ped offices but they decided to give equal credit. What a sham. Just look at how Pneuomax-23 did before the expansion and after as far as growth. We build the business and they could not expand.

Zostavax is a joke. Can't make it. Then they make it but PC couldn't sell it. So what do you do? Promote a boy named Tom to do an adult's job. Too funny. Sharpen your pencil because Zostavax will save the day in some fantasy land. It certainly is not doing it in region V. That is Tom's region. Fifth.

With competition for Pneumovax 23 in the form of Prevnar 13 and GSK coming out with its shingles vaccines in a couple years watch how much more scared the Little Rascals and many of their reps become. They couldn't sell Pneumovax 23 and Zostavax without competition. Ignorance and panic are now running rampant compliments of the Three Stooges and the Little Rascals are picking up where they were run off.

It must be time to get rid of more MVD folks. This way everyone can then cry that there is no one they can steal ideas from.

With competition for Pneumovax 23 in the form of Prevnar 13 and GSK coming out with its shingles vaccines in a couple years watch how much more scared the Little Rascals and many of their reps become. They couldn't sell Pneumovax 23 and Zostavax without competition. Ignorance and panic are now running rampant compliments of the Three Stooges and the Little Rascals are picking up where they were run off.

It might hurt but I can't wait for the competition so we can really enjoy watching a panic on a larger scale than we have ever seen here before.

With competition for Pneumovax 23 in the form of Prevnar 13 and GSK coming out with its shingles vaccines in a couple years watch how much more scared the Little Rascals and many of their reps become. They couldn't sell Pneumovax 23 and Zostavax without competition. Ignorance and panic are now running rampant compliments of the Three Stooges and the Little Rascals are picking up where they were run off.

Ron is in a better place. How ironic that he is alive and doing well and we are saying that? Good for him. Our best Ron.

It might hurt but I can't wait for the competition so we can really enjoy watching a panic on a larger scale than we have ever seen here before.

Hell, we don't need the competition- just sit back and watch the tablet dweebs panic now. They don't realize that they stuffed Zostavax in pharmacies last year and this year the doses are still there. So funny to hear the panic-mode MVXs that keep flowing.

Ron is in a better place. How ironic that he is alive and doing well and we are saying that? Good for him. Our best Ron.

It is ironic. Ron is at peace in a better place while those of us who have been in vaccines for a while are in a living hell managed by satan's little rascals, especially Sleazy EZ.

It is ironic. Ron is at peace in a better place while those of us who have been in vaccines for a while are in a living hell managed by satan's little rascals, especially Sleazy EZ.

It is not his fault. Ron was a great guy to work for and with. Not one person could ever have a negative thing to say about him. On the other hand, start a thread on any of the tablet people who are or were in a position of power and the negative responses will flow like a river who's dam has just burst.

It is not his fault. Ron was a great guy to work for and with. Not one person could ever have a negative thing to say about him. On the other hand, start a thread on any of the tablet people who are or were in a position of power and the negative responses will flow like a river who's dam has just burst.

MVID is probably responsible for half of the active threads on here now.

MVID is probably responsible for half of the active threads on here now.

The unrelenting pressure by MVID leadership to scare and over burden the salesforce with their terrorist style demands for perfection and out of reach sales objectives have driven the vaccine division hear to vent in mass numbers.

It might hurt but I can't wait for the competition so we can really enjoy watching a panic on a larger scale than we have ever seen here before.

Agreed. I love watching my former pc reps panic over understanding how to present hospital contracts to save P23. Apparently, reading must be frowned upon from GHH unless it's a nice big glossy detail piece. Pathetic.

Agreed. I love watching my former pc reps panic over understanding how to present hospital contracts to save P23. Apparently, reading must be frowned upon from GHH unless it's a nice big glossy detail piece. Pathetic.

I get more calls from those in my district than I do from customers. What a laugh this job has become. I babysit poorly-trained or hospital contract-fearful tablet sample dumpers more than I care to admit. Training for them must have been a breeze as it looks like they never did anything meaningful or useful.