
I miss Luis.

"So does his region".

This all has to be an acid trip, a bad dream, a drunken stupor, something not real. It can't be but it is. What a sad joke my division has become. Dumb and dumber.

Dumb and dumber seems to be the tablet division way of leading- get rid of those who know, and put into command those who don't. Time to get rid of a few more MVD people. Hey Luis- we hope you are on a boat somewhere teaching those fish a thing or two and enjoying life.

Get ready for the next expansion- Singualair reps. Then vaccine layoffs 12 months later.

I think it would only be fair if some of the former VIOXX transplants in vaccines got let go for the SINGULAIR folks. At least the Singulair reps know how to deal with peds. I don't think there are any MVD folks left on the east coast thanks to SLEAZY EZ.

I think it would only be fair if some of the former VIOXX transplants in vaccines got let go for the SINGULAIR folks. At least the Singulair reps know how to deal with peds. I don't think there are any MVD folks left on the east coast thanks to SLEAZY EZ.

That would work for me. Singulair in, Vioxx out. Next order of business?

It is a continual dilution and therefore a continual weakening of the original. Put a shot of rum in a glass of coke. Then take a shot of that in another glass of coke. The rum gets more and more watered down and loses its substance. This is why district and region meetings have so few people left with any real vaccine knowledge.

The only thing not diluted here is the koolaid they keep trying to shove down our throats to force us to believe everything is on the up and up here. It is most certainly not!

The only thing not diluted here is the koolaid they keep trying to shove down our throats to force us to believe everything is on the up and up here. It is most certainly not!

I never drank that toxic swill as I am from MVD. Get them all out and bring in people who know and understand vaccines while there are still some of us left here.

I never drank that toxic swill as I am from MVD. Get them all out and bring in people who know and understand vaccines while there are still some of us left here.

Unfortunately, it appears Todd Nichols is trying to mix a new batch of Koolaid for the DCO's to pass out to the field in Atlanta. I hope I'm wrong but like you, I'm from MVD and I've seen this sad drama acted out before.

Unfortunately, it appears Todd Nichols is trying to mix a new batch of Koolaid for the DCO's to pass out to the field in Atlanta. I hope I'm wrong but like you, I'm from MVD and I've seen this sad drama acted out before.

We tell our kids not to do drugs, let them tell us not to drink the merck koolaid

As someone else said- I trust the janitors in WP more than I trust the little rascals.

You can't sustain a successful salesforce by constantly telling them they aren't selling enough vaccines even when they meet the numbers, reorganizing the sales structure every other year and threatening PIP's if reps happen to have one bad selling year. The little rascals aren't leading, they're bullying! Yeah, that's going to motivate the salesforce and give you EX ratings. They're out of touch with reality and focused on insanity.

It is a continual dilution and therefore a continual weakening of the original. Put a shot of rum in a glass of coke. Then take a shot of that in another glass of coke. The rum gets more and more watered down and loses its substance. This is why district and region meetings have so few people left with any real vaccine knowledge.

Have no fear. We have the Oz principles to save us! Really? We are doomed.

Won't that Oz Principles brainwashing session be fun in Atlanta? Jeesh! I wonder how many millions Merck paid this time for this version of propaganda. We are so excited Kim Jung Merck!

If the Oz Principle stresses accountability, Merck is two-faced. Where was the accountability to have tablet people with NO vaccine experience presiding over the vaccine division at a time it was a well-oiled machine? (Sorry- I hate cliches but they're so appropriate here). To expand when it launched poorly trained tablet refugees and only had them trained on 3 vaccines at a time we were selling all of them including in hospitals? I fielded countless calls each week from my partner each one pulling me away from my work, many on basic points. I/we were fully trained by MVD on ALL vaccines and WE KNEW ALL vaccines. What a sham MVID has become.

Won't that Oz Principles brainwashing session be fun in Atlanta? Jeesh! I wonder how many millions Merck paid this time for this version of propaganda. We are so excited Kim Jung Merck!

They are so desperate now, they'll try anything. It is too late though. MVD was running perfectly until broke their new toy. Oz is evidence that they finally admit it is over.

If the Oz Principle stresses accountability, Merck is two-faced. Where was the accountability to have tablet people with NO vaccine experience presiding over the vaccine division at a time it was a well-oiled machine? (Sorry- I hate cliches but they're so appropriate here). To expand when it launched poorly trained tablet refugees and only had them trained on 3 vaccines at a time we were selling all of them including in hospitals? I fielded countless calls each week from my partner each one pulling me away from my work, many on basic points. I/we were fully trained by MVD on ALL vaccines and WE KNEW ALL vaccines. What a sham MVID has become.

With competition for Pneumovax 23 in the form of Prevnar 13 and GSK coming out with its shingles vaccines in a couple years watch how much more scared the Little Rascals and many of their reps become. They couldn't sell Pneumovax 23 and Zostavax without competition. Ignorance and panic are now running rampant compliments of the Three Stooges and the Little Rascals are picking up where they were run off.

If the Oz Principle stresses accountability, Merck is two-faced. Where was the accountability to have tablet people with NO vaccine experience presiding over the vaccine division at a time it was a well-oiled machine? (Sorry- I hate cliches but they're so appropriate here). To expand when it launched poorly trained tablet refugees and only had them trained on 3 vaccines at a time we were selling all of them including in hospitals? I fielded countless calls each week from my partner each one pulling me away from my work, many on basic points. I/we were fully trained by MVD on ALL vaccines and WE KNEW ALL vaccines. What a sham MVID has become.

Let me guess, the reps you had to train on contracts are probably the new darlings of the division and you are probably getting grief from former tablet managers that you are not contributing enough to the team. That play is being used all over the division right now. Takeover just about complete.