A little off the recent topic


Is there any other industries that have their managers ride with their reps so often or at all? And usually they have less experience than the people they are "coaching"

No, because the job of a DM is a totally worthless sham ie/babysitter. Other industries actually "sell" something so there is no need to "coach" anyone. Either you sell it or you dont. Since pharma is not really any type of "sales", they need to find bogus ways to measure "success" here. There you have it in a nutshell...

No, because the job of a DM is a totally worthless sham ie/babysitter. Other industries actually "sell" something so there is no need to "coach" anyone. Either you sell it or you dont. Since pharma is not really any type of "sales", they need to find bogus ways to measure "success" here. There you have it in a nutshell...

Good idea. Pharma should have player-coaches in this role - the occasional ride along and manage their own large accounts e.g. KAM/DM blend. DMs provide value to those that "don't know everything". If you have a rep that doesn't need any coaching, make a video of their awesomeness to show everyone at the annual sales meeting. Given how many perfect reps we have at this company, Eisai will be making lots of videos. I got an idea...we can divide and conquer this initiative with all of our perfect reps.

Video #1 - How to gain access to difficult to see or no see physicians Video #2 - How to analyze the data to make sure we are using the right message with the right physician. Video #3 - How to "hook" the customer and engage in a dialogue that lasts longer than 30 seconds Video #4 - How to deal with disgruntled colleagues. Video #5 - How to deal with entitlement in an organization. Video #6 - How to get the most out of overpaid and underworked employees.

Video #1 - How to gain access to difficult to see or no see physicians Video #2 - How to analyze the data to make sure we are using the right message with the right physician. Video #3 - How to "hook" the customer and engage in a dialogue that lasts longer than 30 seconds Video #4 - How to deal with disgruntled colleagues. Video #5 - How to deal with entitlement in an organization. Video #6 - How to get the most out of overpaid and underworked employees.

The problem is a different matter altogether. The intense micromanaging has taken the "sales" out of the job, and we are measuring metrics instead of numbers. If we were given complete freedom to call on WHO we felt WE could move, had the ability to "own" our business, manage our resources as WE see fit (since we know the territory better than anyone else), I think pharma companies would be surprised to see how effective the sales force can be. When we are motivated by fear through micromanagement of metrics, it kills whatever "sales" element is left in this job.

Good idea. Pharma should have player-coaches in this role - the occasional ride along and manage their own large accounts e.g. KAM/DM blend. DMs provide value to those that "don't know everything". If you have a rep that doesn't need any coaching, make a video of their awesomeness to show everyone at the annual sales meeting. Given how many perfect reps we have at this company, Eisai will be making lots of videos. I got an idea...we can divide and conquer this initiative with all of our perfect reps.

Video #1 - How to gain access to difficult to see or no see physicians Video #2 - How to analyze the data to make sure we are using the right message with the right physician. Video #3 - How to "hook" the customer and engage in a dialogue that lasts longer than 30 seconds Video #4 - How to deal with disgruntled colleagues. Video #5 - How to deal with entitlement in an organization. Video #6 - How to get the most out of overpaid and underworked employees.

you, are, definately one of our brilliant DMs! Hey smarty pants-- why don't you offer up some of your brilliance and answer all of these questions in our next ride along instead of sitting there like a lump on a log pickking your nose as usual?

Good idea. Pharma should have player-coaches in this role - the occasional ride along and manage their own large accounts e.g. KAM/DM blend. DMs provide value to those that "don't know everything". If you have a rep that doesn't need any coaching, make a video of their awesomeness to show everyone at the annual sales meeting. Given how many perfect reps we have at this company, Eisai will be making lots of videos. I got an idea...we can divide and conquer this initiative with all of our perfect reps.

Video #1 - How to gain access to difficult to see or no see physicians Video #2 - How to analyze the data to make sure we are using the right message with the right physician. Video #3 - How to "hook" the customer and engage in a dialogue that lasts longer than 30 seconds Video #4 - How to deal with disgruntled colleagues. Video #5 - How to deal with entitlement in an organization. Video #6 - How to get the most out of overpaid and underworked employees.

Let me guess, you're the type of tunnel-visioned DM's who insists that we visit the office of the low-decile target, despite the fact that they have a sign posted on the front door that reads "No Pharma Reps...Ever!" And you want to do this because you have recently "analyzed the data" and noticed that the low-decile target is in the red and must be visited before the quarter ends. I tell you the story of the rep who visited the office on a call one day with his overzealous DM, who insisted that the call last for several minutes and would not take "No" for an answer, and as a result, no reps have ever been allowed in the office since. You're not listening because you are busy carrying on about all of the griping that you are hearing from one of my district mates and the deplorable administrative skills of another. That's okay, you are dropping hints all the time that you don't plan to be here long and that my role is to make you look good. I calmly suggest several different higher-value targets that we might see in the interest of generating more business for the territory to which you reply "That's okay, it's time for lunch."

Another day with my DM.

"If you have a rep that doesn't need any coaching, make a video of their awesomeness to show everyone"

hahahahaha!! You actually think your "coaching" makes any difference? Oh, you do, that is so cute.
Did you ever hear of "in one ear and out the other"??? 99% of the reps live by this philosophy.

"If you have a rep that doesn't need any coaching, make a video of their awesomeness to show everyone"

hahahahaha!! You actually think your "coaching" makes any difference? Oh, you do, that is so cute.
Did you ever hear of "in one ear and out the other"??? 99% of the reps live by this philosophy.

...and why are we having a massive reorg? Drastic revenue and net income decline. Who drives revenue? Hmmm...I will let you figure that one out.

Your delusional. You think we control the sales of the drug Mr. or Mrs. DM. I can talk any of my doctors into giving the samples to patients. They have to go get the rx. If they can't take it for some reason or don't go get the rx filled then they must not like the drug. It doesn't cost anymore so why wouldn't they at least try it and make up there mind about it. There you go DM. Up yours and keep coaching. If you were that good at sales you would have stayed in sales. And, by the way, everyone who wins Nightingale is better reps than ones that don't. HA

...and why are we having a massive reorg? Drastic revenue and net income decline. Who drives revenue? Hmmm...I will let you figure that one out.

Umm, yeah I know. It couldn't be becuase we lost patent and generics, now could it?? Smart thinking, just like the good DM I thought you were, excellent business brains.Now, dont you have an expense report to deny?

you know if you would get out and make some calls and drive revenue we wouldn't be having a reorg right? Then don't do it and we'll just wait and see if you lose your job. Boy, if I could drive business like you do I would get out and sell some stuff instead of waiting to see if anyone else can. Good luck with that.

you are the biggest fucknut of a DM I have ever read... if the fault lied with sales they, meaning the ELT (executive leadership team- a group YOU will never join) would have fired Michael O'Brien, VP of Sales, NOT Thomas Kolares, VP of Marketing. The issue was messaging not the team. What's more, choad, the company you work for is so jacked that they allow attorneys to hamstring the sales force by disallowing the use of the very clinical trial that brought 23 to market. That doesn't speak of a poor sales team but of an ineffective organization with no faith in marketing, sales, training or the management team.

As a sales manager, how about you put the company ahead of your own selfish, shortsighted ambitions and figure out what you can actively do to move product. Don't push down another target list- we already get that from Focus. Hit the pavement and pick up the slack, perhaps in nursing homes?

I think I might work for you and that is really frightening... given that possibility, how about you spend less time trying to fire your employees and more time being a role model who your direct reports aspire to model themselves after.

damn, chumbucket, I think I work for you! from a dildo perspective this DM takes the cake. Instead of pushing down orders and direction that changes depending on the weather why don't you actually DO something? Seriously, your productivity is not measured by how many people you fire. It's measured by the revenue generated by our team. Right now, you are sucking balls! Figure it out!

Sooner or later, every DM comes to a split in their career path where they are forced to make a life-changing decision. Am I going to work in the best interest of those who work for me or am I going to sell them out, get down on my knees, and start sucking that corporate schlong? It is amazing how few choose the first option in spite of the fact that, ultimately, it brings the most benefit to everyone.