Is anyone really surprised???


I understand the outrage but are any of you surprised of how things are turning out at Eisai? I came over with the Ligand products and this place has been a mess since than. No one I know is at all shocked by what Eisai has become. If you didn’t see the writing on the wall five years ago and got out…shame on you.

This is why almost all the top oncology talent left a long time ago and why what is left from the lymphoma and MGI teams are people who will have a very tough time getting another job in oncology.

Again not OB.

BTW it was pretty easy.

I simply used the statement “You might work at a crappy company if”:

-the company has roommates at meetings
- the company has the lowest level company cars
- the company thinks primary care and oncology are not all that different
- the company has meetings at low end hotels
- the company thinks video tapped role plays are an effective training tool
-you burn through five printer cartridges and two reams of paper a week for various redundant and useless reports
- the company hires oncology leaders with zero oncology experience
- people put University of Phoenix MBA is their business cards
-one leader ever utters the words, “you’re lucky to have a job”
-if the default answer to any question about a flawed policy is “this is happening at every other company”

As you can imagine this is the abridged list…

I understand the outrage but are any of you surprised of how things are turning out at Eisai? I came over with the Ligand products and this place has been a mess since than. No one I know is at all shocked by what Eisai has become. If you didn’t see the writing on the wall five years ago and got out…shame on you.

This is why almost all the top oncology talent left a long time ago and why what is left from the lymphoma and MGI teams are people who will have a very tough time getting another job in oncology.

It is amazing more people did not read the writing on the wall 5 years ago. It was so obvious, Helen Keller could have read it.

What is really amazing is that you are employed and spell like you do. If you think a company car and where you have meetings is that important your pretty much a loser.

What is really amazing is that you are employed and spell like you do. If you think a company car and where you have meetings is that important your pretty much a loser.
So you don’t think the overall package is important? So why do the better companies offer better car options and have meetings at the Four Season’s? Because it is part of their culture to treat their employees better than competing companies who may be trying to lure them away. I understand that a positive, employee centric, culture is foreign to most of you, so you will never understand the concept of treating employees better than they expect and in turn the employee gives everything they have to the success of the company. I get. You subscribe to the “I’m lucky to have a free car” mindset, versus a company with a positive corporate culture who says, “we are lucky to have great employees and therefore we want to offer you the very best in the industry”…

So you don’t think the overall package is important? So why do the better companies offer better car options and have meetings at the Four Season’s? Because it is part of their culture to treat their employees better than competing companies who may be trying to lure them away. I understand that a positive, employee centric, culture is foreign to most of you, so you will never understand the concept of treating employees better than they expect and in turn the employee gives everything they have to the success of the company. I get. You subscribe to the “I’m lucky to have a free car” mindset, versus a company with a positive corporate culture who says, “we are lucky to have great employees and therefore we want to offer you the very best in the industry”…


Who has meetings at the Four Seasons?

one thing is for sure...your bitch ass will never stay at Four Seasons for a meeting while working at Eisai. Hell, you can not even buy four drinks at this cheap, bastard ass company. How about the night of hot dogs for dinner at POA. That bullshit ass meeting in Orlando was so lame I did not even bother to fill out that survey because I would have just said totally ugly shit. F*** Eisai!

Who has meetings at the Four Seasons?

They’re out there. I’ve worked at companies where are national meetings and POA’s were never at a hotel line less than the Fairmount, Ritz, 4 Seasons, or a high end boutique hotel and going to a JW Marriott was slumming it. They are out there, mainly in biotech. Heck I remember when we had that awful meeting at the JW in Orlando and I think Celgene was at the Ritz across were the gym was.

They’re out there. I’ve worked at companies where are national meetings and POA’s were never at a hotel line less than the Fairmount, Ritz, 4 Seasons, or a high end boutique hotel and going to a JW Marriott was slumming it. They are out there, mainly in biotech. Heck I remember when we had that awful meeting at the JW in Orlando and I think Celgene was at the Ritz across were the gym was.

Those days are long over regardless of what company you work for!!!

They’re out there. I’ve worked at companies where are national meetings and POA’s were never at a hotel line less than the Fairmount, Ritz, 4 Seasons, or a high end boutique hotel and going to a JW Marriott was slumming it. They are out there, mainly in biotech. Heck I remember when we had that awful meeting at the JW in Orlando and I think Celgene was at the Ritz across were the gym was.

If there are 10-20 reps at the company maybe but those days are done.

They’re out there. I’ve worked at companies where are national meetings and POA’s were never at a hotel line less than the Fairmount, Ritz, 4 Seasons, or a high end boutique hotel and going to a JW Marriott was slumming it. They are out there, mainly in biotech. Heck I remember when we had that awful meeting at the JW in Orlando and I think Celgene was at the Ritz across were the gym was.

Face it, you're just not high quality. There are better companies with better reps. There is a Ruth's Chris filet and there is taco bell meat. You, as an Eisai rep, are taco bell meat. Low quality.

Poster is spot on. From the PC side thru to Senior Specialty Sales there has been a devolution in pharma. This used to be prestigious but starting in the mid-90s reps became "overhead". Through 2005 I saw the benefits get watered down from higher end mid-grade vehicles (Volvo vs Taurus) to low end fleet. Hotels, food, water, bacon(!), incentives, kickers, gifts, you name it have disappeared. Reps are considered a quasi-necessary evil. We are resented by the very people who hire us: our DMs constantly imply that we are cheating the company or not giving 110% (like that's even possible), OB, in Dallas, snidely commented that we just drive around listening to talk radio all day, and the purposeless Concur audits reinforce the complete lack of trust in the sales force. Not to mention the way legal cock blocks any information from being disseminated to the sales force in a timely manner (generic Zegerid?).

Eisai is not agile, nimble, responsive or respectful.

Words to live by for any member of management:

"A company's most important resource is the human resource."

Poster is spot on. From the PC side thru to Senior Specialty Sales there has been a devolution in pharma. This used to be prestigious but starting in the mid-90s reps became "overhead". Through 2005 I saw the benefits get watered down from higher end mid-grade vehicles (Volvo vs Taurus) to low end fleet. Hotels, food, water, bacon(!), incentives, kickers, gifts, you name it have disappeared. Reps are considered a quasi-necessary evil. We are resented by the very people who hire us: our DMs constantly imply that we are cheating the company or not giving 110% (like that's even possible), OB, in Dallas, snidely commented that we just drive around listening to talk radio all day, and the purposeless Concur audits reinforce the complete lack of trust in the sales force. Not to mention the way legal cock blocks any information from being disseminated to the sales force in a timely manner (generic Zegerid?).

Eisai is not agile, nimble, responsive or respectful.

Words to live by for any member of management:

"A company's most important resource is the human resource."

Everything about this company now stinks! Everything! There is not one department or function that is not "dysfunctional" and breaking it down to the bare bones might be the only thing that saves them. Everyone employed here now, in any capacity, needs to move on.