Is anyone really surprised???

If there are 10-20 reps at the company maybe but those days are done.
That’s not true at all. Sure the lavish spending of physicians is over but treating employees with dignity and respect is not over. I left Eisai in the last year and went to a oncology company with about 300 reps and we have meetings at high end hotels, we have higher end cars and SUV’s, and the company does not treat us as a necessary evil but rather as a highly valuable asset. Don’t buy into the Eisai mythology that “every company is doing this or that, or they will be soon”. It is garbage and a fear tactic. There are good pharma’s and bio’s that still do things the right way and treat their people the right way. The problem is that their turnover rates are low because people like working there so these aren’t the calls you get from recruiters and see on job boards.