How much do dental reps make?

What would be interesting is to see how much money reps are earning by selling other dental lines or even working for more than one company at a time? Happens more than you think.

Retail, ie, Schein, Patterson. Sky is the limit. Average IMO $150 to $200 after a few years and a manager willing to LET you grow. A good equipment guy helps alot too.

Retail, ie, Schein, Patterson. Sky is the limit. Average IMO $150 to $200 after a few years and a manager willing to LET you grow. A good equipment guy helps alot too.

No way is that average in todays retail market. Too many avenues and ways for doctor to shop and get better deals on the everyday stuff.

Average implant rep: $90k - $105 with car allowance, bonus etc, included. Solid territory. Economy is effecting everyone. My experience with great growth and meeting plan.

Average implant rep: $90k - $105 with car allowance, bonus etc, included. Solid territory. Economy is effecting everyone. My experience with great growth and meeting plan.

Economy is affecting implant biz. However, I've seen single digit growth in my territory. I work for one of the big guys and I'm pushing 120K with all the expected benefits. It's all about territory and strength of market share within the territory. If you try to go work for a smaller company now, good luck.

Little birdie tweeted that Implant Direct sales rep got a rude awakening with their revised comp plan. Welcome to Danaher, vaseline not necessary.

oh yeah, as far as what I did last year, pushed well into the low 100's with a bid company, but due to economic issues, it took much more effort. I'm not complaining, there are some that make way less. Just saying, if you're coming into this industry, make sure the territory is strong. Don't go for the small companies, potential to make more is there, but it's potential that is very hard to achieve. Big players comp plan may not be great, but strength within the territory makes the overall comp package bearable. Either way, it's a 5 year gig then move on to the next big thing.

where's here? No point if no company. 3i probably has one or 2 still around 200 but doesn't matter b/c no one will ever be allowed anywhere near that again

Maybe that's true, but the same could be said about every other implant company. It's a rarity for anyone in dental implants who is a rep to make well over 175K. Nice thing with 3i is the possibility of becoming a Hybrid rep, they do very well.

Second on the ship has sailed comment, 2008 I made 165k, 2011 120k, with numbers over 100%. I was a top five rep all my years, four compensation plans later things are worse.