How much do dental reps make?

Depends on if capped or not ... Good companies won't cap and will reward but quotas will always go up and up so the better you do the harder it will be to make bank. Uncapped commission will vary and capped is usually $110-125 if you are average

Which cities or territories are making over $130K?!
How much do Align reps make?
Thanks in advance!

Troll here, know a person selling for Dexis or Dexus and working for the company not a distributor. Guy makes 200K and has cold callers set his appointments. Sells 1-2 Digital x-ray deals for 18-20 K a week. Son of a b+tch goes to 3 or 4 appointments a week and lives the life.

Not in dental sell in other industry, was med rep at one point.

I saw his tax statement. Made 212K last year selling X-rays mostly. Why is it so difficult to believe?

Why would he show you his tax statement? I made about that - selling something else dental - and I certainly don't go running around showing off my W-2. I don't buy that a Dexis rep would make that.

If you are selling devices, just think 2x-4x the average selling price of your equipment as your annual income. Supply reps are anywhere from $40k + up over $250 k depending on tenure, territory size, company policy, etc. Some crappy little companies are only there to abuse you, but if you have a personal reputation and are honest with the customers about the shortcomings of your company when they screw the customers over, you can move on pretty quickly.

How is the bonus plan at other companies? Our company only pays a fraction of the bonus if the customer calls the order in the HO themselves. We are constantly fighting with them at the end of the period to justify prior contact. Plus a select few go to the big meetings where the bulk of the business gets written and they went one step further to increase their incentive opportunities.

In my previous sales positions, you were paid a full commission for anything that came into your territory?

Am I being unreasonable or is my boss just a cheap prick?

Piezosurgery reps bh45,000-65,000

Reps not named Kim make closer to 45. Spent almost two years of blood sweat and teara being questioned why about what I did every day. If you weren't going to shows all the time like Kim and Justin you could not produce consistent numbers. The only other rep I ever knew to do well was in Texas but she got tired of the grind and the pettiness like the rest of us. Think that is what did Justin in in the end, a lack of reward and appreciation for bleeding Piezosurgery blue. You can probably find better options for this kind of money.

From what I understand it is not enough! Keep your current position and build additional rapport with your current book of business. This is an opportunity to bring a value added service to their practice that can also help increase their revenue.

You earn commissions as a P/T marketing rep by offering another service to your current book of business.

Call Cassie at 855.847.4004 to learn more!!!

I found that when I left dental to go into medical device they looked at how long I was at a job and how I progressed. It was o.k. if I was at a job for awhile as long as I was moving up financially.

if you are in core for a top company, or imaging (top paying position) you can make average 300 to400 top 5 reps from each are making 500 to700 . understand there are only 25 to 30 reps per manufacture and they get no salary, no expenses and are commission only, no bonus, its staight percentage on sales. They also do not close there own deals. its all through distribution, so if you want the big bucks, you better be the best. you get 1 hour to close a 100k plus product and then hope the dental dealer gets the paper signed and does not pitch a cheaper product after the fact. You have to kill it to make the money.