Why you hate Testim, chumps.

I took your advice and Googled Testim. I didn't see a Cafe Pharma link until page 6. I Googled Androgel, and after 10 pages I didn't see a single Cafe Pharma Link. I don't think patients are getting on this message board unless they Google "Cafe Pharma". Yeah, that would be your typical patient.

As far a flattering myself by accusing Solvay reps of faking postings? It's not about me flattering myself. It's about you showing how pathetic you are.

Try again buddy.

If you Search "testim versus androgel" on Google or Yahoo, CP is the second item. If you just search "testim androgel" it's first. Either search-term would be likely for a patient trying to find the best choice for themselves. Thanks for waisting 30 minutes of your life to try to prove your little conspiracy theory.

And, in case you havent noticed, we are being sold. So we really don't give a damn about your little drug. We're more concerned about how we will be able to provide for our families. If you knew anything about the mood here you would see just how rediculous your theory is.

OK, for the record, I am actually a real Testim patient, who's been using this product for over two years now. I've no idea that this drug smell that bad until I read this thread...

I think it's kinda cute that the reps from the two companies are going at each other throat like this. As a guy, I can only imaging (hopefully) that these are some hot looking female reps in short dress and high heels getting into cat's fights...sorry...I'm on Testim and getting kinda horny.

Seriously speaking, I am considering getting off Testim after over two years of taking this drug. I've gotten what I needed for a while now. My T level has been consistently good, but I am concern about the balding pattern (hair loss) and the low energy/depression/slightly high anxiety I've experience lately (perhaps, due to high T level?).

What do you guys think? Should I go cold turkey??

^^^ If you go cold turkey expect your T levels to drop dramatically........after (much much less than) 2 years on Testim..your body has shut down its natural production of testosterone.

Talk to your doc

P.S If you didn't realize Testim smelled after two years of use please have both of your deviated septums operated on ;)

^^^ If you go cold turkey expect your T levels to drop dramatically........after (much much less than) 2 years on Testim..your body has shut down its natural production of testosterone.

Talk to your doc

P.S If you didn't realize Testim smelled after two years of use please have both of your deviated septums operated on ;)

I'd be depressed if people avoided me due to my stench

I Googled TESTIM and it linked to "Ball Sweat ODOR", crappy sales reps and NO MARKET SHARE

Love it. Thanks for the snappy comeback. Rock on, Solvay!

I can see it's time for the Ultimate Fighting Championships to begin again.

If chemical fumes from Testim's polymer base make patients nauseous and cause the mucous membranes of their nasal passages to become irritated on a chronic basis, does it make sense to discontinue use of that product and switch to AndroGel, which has no polymer fumes?

To reek or not to reek, that is the question.

Hugh G. Rection

ps for all fans of AndroTurkey, he is alive, big in a monumental way [think Washington Monument, the Sears Tower, or a farm silo], and odorless.

According to a previous post, decapentalactone [sp?] is the inactive ingredient in Testim that is the source of its foul odor.
Is this correct information?
Is there safety data on this substance from a source other than Auxilium?

Hugh G. Rection


I just started on Testim today, and the odor is, er, really something. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep using it.

Apparently, the odor comes from decapentalactone, an adjuvant unique to Testim (it's not in AndroGel). This "inactive ingredient" is responsible for the improved absorption of testosterone with Testim relative to AndroGel.

I think I'd just prefer using more AndroGel!

hmmmm....sounds like a good idea!

Love it. Thanks for the snappy comeback. Rock on, Solvay!

I can see it's time for the Ultimate Fighting Championships to begin again.

If chemical fumes from Testim's polymer base make patients nauseous and cause the mucous membranes of their nasal passages to become irritated on a chronic basis, does it make sense to discontinue use of that product and switch to AndroGel, which has no polymer fumes?

To reek or not to reek, that is the question.

Hugh G. Rection

ps for all fans of AndroTurkey, he is alive, big in a monumental way [think Washington Monument, the Sears Tower, or a farm silo], and odorless.

how is Bruce the AndroTurkey?

I googled "smell testim" because my BF just started using it about a week and a half ago and I LOVE the smell and was curious to see what other women have to say about it... This site is one of the first links to pop up and then, in reading, I realize you guys work for these companies?!?!?! And you talk like this??? Don't you care that the people buying this stuff are gonna see how immature and jack-ass-tastic you guys are? Makes me want to tell BF to get off the stuff altogether so neither company makes money from us... but since the smell turns me on, I'm not gonna say a word.

For the record, he isn't crazy about the smell himself. It's an immediate mood changer for me.. as soon as I smell him coming, I know it won't be long until I am, too.

I'm 25. I had a testosterone test come back low and was prescribed Testim. I used one dose and was absolutely bowled over by the smell. It was horrendous. I rubbed it in and remained shirtless to let it soak in for 2 hours before getting dressed, and later went to sleep.

I had a second Testosterone test done, and it came out normal. So I never used another dose. The smell remained in my sheets and shirt even after multiple washings. I had to get new sheets. And it ruined one of my favorite shirts.

A few days ago I was in the waiting room at my allergist. A man walked out of the office, never coming within 5 feet of me and I could IMMEDIATELY tell he was using testim. He stank. Its unmistakable, sickly sweet, and it doesn't go away. I felt so bad for the guy.

The best thing I can say about testim as that the company gave me a refund without much trouble. Still, I don't know how they could possibly let this shit get to market.

Well if you look one post before yours, you'll see that it turns that woman on.....hahahahahah. That has to be the post of this thread. If you go camping please use Testim as it will keep any living, breathing animal at least 50 yards from you

Hypogonadal men or hypogonadal men. All have low T. Our product shows better data regarding T levels. Testim is a wanna-be and Docs know it. Move along stinky gel rep (that is what the staff calls you when you leave).

I am a low t patient and I have been on both and hear is the real truth. Androgel has zero odor and dries fast, Testim stinks like hell and you smell all day and it leaves a film on everything. But it does get higher T levels and I feel way better on it becaause of that. Still I would be happiest if the docs could up the dose and the insurance companies would not moan about paying for Androgel.

I was using Androgel. The pump worked great; T level went so high we switched to 5 days a week. Then United Healthcare/Medco decided they wouldn't insure Androgel. Along came Testim. T level dropped so low that I now use 2 tubes daily. The product doesn't seem to dry and it stinks. Plus I only have one hand and can not get everything out of those tubes. I hate the product and am switching insurance companies.

I have used Testim. It not only smells like cheap musky aftershave, the smell comes with a very chemical-like long-lasting "aura" which gave me terrible headaches. And, despite what this obviously money-motivated Auxilium rep has to say, it was very sticky and despite giving the "rub-in" a good, repeated effort, the stickiness persisted. It is an inferior product, no question about it.

I am a patient, not a drug rep. I used Androgel for 3 years with good results. I had to fight my insurance company to keep using it but now they have completely pulled the plug. The pharmacist says it cost over $800/month for 10 g. per day. I tried Androderm patches, but they gave me a terrible localized alergic reaction, like a giant masquito bite. So now the insurance company has approved Testim and the manufacturer gave me a $20 copay coupon. Too early to tell if my blood levels are ok, but all my female coworkers have commented "wow, you smell good." or "Wow, what's that cologn?" Frankly, I cannot smell a thing. There is a little residue I can feel on my arms, but it is not objectionable. So, all in all, if my blood test comes out OK in a week or two, I am fine with Testim, even if my insurance company (United Healthcare) pisses me off for trying to substitute its rules for my doctor's judgment.

I am a patient, not a drug rep. I used Androgel for 3 years with good results. I had to fight my insurance company to keep using it but now they have completely pulled the plug. The pharmacist says it cost over $800/month for 10 g. per day. I tried Androderm patches, but they gave me a terrible localized alergic reaction, like a giant masquito bite. So now the insurance company has approved Testim and the manufacturer gave me a $20 copay coupon. Too early to tell if my blood levels are ok, but all my female coworkers have commented "wow, you smell good." or "Wow, what's that cologn?" Frankly, I cannot smell a thing. There is a little residue I can feel on my arms, but it is not objectionable. So, all in all, if my blood test comes out OK in a week or two, I am fine with Testim, even if my insurance company (United Healthcare) pisses me off for trying to substitute its rules for my doctor's judgment.

This thread came up on google for me too. I gotta say: There are so many better options now. Testim? Androgel? Puh-leeze. Fortesta and Axiron are both cheaper and will do better. Get out of the stone age. New gels are better. Testopel pellets will last 6 months. Get up to date and your treatment options will be better and cheaper.

I am not taking any medication and don't need any my doctor told me at my last physical. I am 62 and slowing down. I asked my doctor about testosterone replacement and he ordered tests- I am in the midrange of serum levels for my age. I do not want to start replacement therapy that ends up being for "life" therapy- no thank you, I like being in charge of my own body.`

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