MoviPrep Price - What A Joke!


The AWP for MoviPrep is $49.00 - we are fucked! What happened to our respectable product line. We are being asked to sell a 3 liter "ass cleaner" for $55.00 to $70.00. I'm out of this shit hole - good luck kissing fat nurse ass. "Doc, please use MoviPrep for $70.00 even though you can buy generic PEG 3350 for under $10.00". Oh, I know, the vitamin C is worth $60.00 - SUCKERS!!!

Offices using MoviPrep exclusively, huh? Even for patients who are on diuretics or ACE Inhibitors . . . it's awesome how you tell them that the third liter of liquids really isn't that important . . . just keep up that market share, you unethical bastards

Offices using MoviPrep exclusively, huh? Even for patients who are on diuretics or ACE Inhibitors . . . it's awesome how you tell them that the third liter of liquids really isn't that important . . . just keep up that market share, you unethical bastards

If you read the warining in the PI it is referring to PEG products in general that you need to be cautious with ACE and diuretic patients, not just Moviprep. See, the problem is, for those patients no bowel purgative is completely safe, the office staff and docs think that any PEG + els is but its not. Thus, they will be using Moviprep exclusively in many offices as they do any other peg product. Scare tactics don't work on offices if they are educated properly so you should learn a new one.

First, I want to address the first comment that said Osmoprep is "wonderful" and has "great insurance coverage". If you are anyone over the age of 50 and getting a colonoscopy you should be aware of the dangers. Visicol aka Osmoprep aka fleets has been known to lead to acute renal failure, kidney transplants, permanent dialysis, and even death. At the age of 50 most people’s kidney function drops in half and they can not handle the phosphorous load that comes with the Visicol, Osmoprep, or fleets. As for insurance coverage of Visicol or Osmoprep (as well as the new moviprep) sucks. There are 14 large insurance plans in my state that cover over 50,000 people, and VI/OP is all tier 3 or worse on every plan. As for the new Moviprep...I have heard from patients that the taste is awful and only comes in lemon. The reps are lying to us about it only being a 2 liter prep, and it contains more sodium (salt) than most of the PEG preps. It has lots of salt and sodium ascorbates that are both diuretics, making it dangerous for patients that can not drink alot of fluid. Also most African Americans should beware of using the Moviprep. Patients with G-S-PD deficiency should not take the Moviprep b/c it contains sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid. Please make any patients that are African American aware of this.

Amazing...with these preps being so dangerous, it is a wonder how thousands of people each day are not admitted to the ER with kidney failure or hemolytic anemia. There are dangers with all meds, if the docs and staff are educated, things will be fine.

First, I want to address the first comment that said Osmoprep is "wonderful" and has "great insurance coverage". If you are anyone over the age of 50 and getting a colonoscopy you should be aware of the dangers. Visicol aka Osmoprep aka fleets has been known to lead to acute renal failure, kidney transplants, permanent dialysis, and even death. At the age of 50 most people’s kidney function drops in half and they can not handle the phosphorous load that comes with the Visicol, Osmoprep, or fleets. As for insurance coverage of Visicol or Osmoprep (as well as the new moviprep) sucks. There are 14 large insurance plans in my state that cover over 50,000 people, and VI/OP is all tier 3 or worse on every plan. As for the new Moviprep...I have heard from patients that the taste is awful and only comes in lemon. The reps are lying to us about it only being a 2 liter prep, and it contains more sodium (salt) than most of the PEG preps. It has lots of salt and sodium ascorbates that are both diuretics, making it dangerous for patients that can not drink alot of fluid. Also most African Americans should beware of using the Moviprep. Patients with G-S-PD deficiency should not take the Moviprep b/c it contains sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid. Please make any patients that are African American aware of this.

and the other PEGs are safe for everyone...wait...I forgot about those patients who had seizures or dies after taking them...risk involved with all of them brainiac

Yes...There is a risk with everything, but more so with phospho soda based preps. PEG preps ARE the safest on the market. Most doctors would rather use PEG prep than any other, just hard to get alot of people to drink 4 liters. If you are a good rep, you would know that most of the staff and doctors are not completely educated about every new med on the market. I guess if “you” sell something that may harm alot of patients you don’t want to educate the doctors and staff on anything than the positive. Looks like you need to go over your clinicals. Second since most PO products have been OTC for years. Adverse events with products that are OTC do not have to be reported to the FDA. I can promise almost every other doctor has had, or knows a doctor that has had problems with fleets or phospho soda based prep. Visicol and Osmoprep are pretty new to the market. If you do your homework you can find tons of articles on from the last 2 years on the dangers of phospho soda based preps. Happy Studying!!

Yes...There is a risk with everything, but more so with phospho soda based preps. PEG preps ARE the safest on the market. Most doctors would rather use PEG prep than any other, just hard to get alot of people to drink 4 liters. If you are a good rep, you would know that most of the staff and doctors are not completely educated about every new med on the market. I guess if “you” sell something that may harm alot of patients you don’t want to educate the doctors and staff on anything than the positive. Looks like you need to go over your clinicals. Second since most PO products have been OTC for years. Adverse events with products that are OTC do not have to be reported to the FDA. I can promise almost every other doctor has had, or knows a doctor that has had problems with fleets or phospho soda based prep. Visicol and Osmoprep are pretty new to the market. If you do your homework you can find tons of articles on from the last 2 years on the dangers of phospho soda based preps. Happy Studying!!
Sodium phosphate is so dangerous that it has been on the market over 100 years and Osmo prep just got approved by the FDA....the fact is, almost all comparitive studies done show greater efficacy with sodium just need to be smart and screen effectively