MoviPrep Price - What A Joke!

I just got out of hospital. I have a warning for anyone having a colonoscopy. Dr. set up some other over age 50 tests. Included was a colonoscopy on Monday. The prep part put me in the hospital for 4 days! My warning to you: NEVER TAKE VISICOL TABLETS! They give you 28 tablets to clean out your colon. On Sunday, I was taking 4 tablets every 15 minutes with 8 oz of water. I could see my stomach swelling with each shifting of the fluids in my body, by the time I got to the 20th pill I told my husband I didn't feel so good, then my eyes rolled back in my head and I lost conciousness! He was was slapping my face, I woke up and said I had to get to the bathroom. I passed out again before I got there and hit my head on the walls. He called the paramedics and they had me sit in a chair to check me and I went down again. They took me to hospital and my heart rate would drop every time I tried to sit up. A couple of times it went to 0! Never been so scared in my life! After 7 bags of electrolytes and potassium pills over 4 days, my potassium levels came back to normal. That is some dangerous medication! I think it must have caused a fluid shift so huge in my body, it shifted all the fluids out of my brain and heart, and moved it to my intestines, taking most of my potassium and electrolytes causing me to lose consiousness. Your heart will stop beating without potassium. I no of no one who has used this method, was very difficult to even find a pharmacy that carried it. Has anyone ever heard of anyone using this method? I just want to warn people to never use this medication. I hope it didn't do any permanent damage to my heart or kidneys.

Hey! Jag-off! You called that woman a "stupid cow" because she followed doctor's orders? You're an idiot. And what's more, if you will show your face, I will bitch slap you -- and your wretched disgusting useless parents for raising such a nutless monkey as yourself.

The AWP for MoviPrep is $49.00 - we are fucked! What happened to our respectable product line. We are being asked to sell a 3 liter "ass cleaner" for $55.00 to $70.00. I'm out of this shit hole - good luck kissing fat nurse ass. "Doc, please use MoviPrep for $70.00 even though you can buy generic PEG 3350 for under $10.00". Oh, I know, the vitamin C is worth $60.00 - SUCKERS!!!

cheap Ass cleaner is what the HMO's and Doc's will prescribe and approve.. Expensive Ass cleaners.. uh.. not so much.

The AWP for MoviPrep is $49.00 - we are fucked! What happened to our respectable product line. We are being asked to sell a 3 liter "ass cleaner" for $55.00 to $70.00. I'm out of this shit hole - good luck kissing fat nurse ass. "Doc, please use MoviPrep for $70.00 even though you can buy generic PEG 3350 for under $10.00". Oh, I know, the vitamin C is worth $60.00 - SUCKERS!!!


I just paid $68.00 for MoviPrep at Walmart. If the colonoscopy were not scheduled for tomorrow I would have called and cancelled it. You KNOW for sure I will be complaining to the Colonoscopy Center. And if that doctor doesn't know the price of what he is prescribing, the State Board will hear about it too.

I just paid $68.00 for MoviPrep at Walmart. If the colonoscopy were not scheduled for tomorrow I would have called and cancelled it. You KNOW for sure I will be complaining to the Colonoscopy Center. And if that doctor doesn't know the price of what he is prescribing, the State Board will hear about it too.

What exactly is the State Board going to do about it? Maybe you shouldn't have waited until the last minute to fill your prescription and then you could have asked your Dr for a prescription for a cheaper prep and drank twice the amount.

I was supposed to get MoviPrep, but refused to pay $85 (with insurance). Walgreens called the doctor, got Peg-3350/kcl/Sod for $19.00. Same stuff without the "fancy bottles." Saving $60+ met my goal.

Oh lawd have mercy...this conversation has me laughing. But it is true. Moviprep is now so expensive folks cannot afford it. Why not just take a few Ducolax and get it over with cleans you out really good and if you drink plenty of will eventually have clear fluids coming out your ass. Amen.

Why not just work a day with J Zumoff
She will shit all over you and you will be so sick
you won't need any prep, save your $85
and spend it elsewhere in Walmart. What a joke

I now know who you are. Through the process of elimination, time of day, verbiage, etc.. Brilliant of you to post on an old thread after our most recent communication.

I am building my case.

My 82-year-old husband who lives on social security paid an $80 co-pay for this crap! Sure, it worked, but come on - $80 for a plastic bottle and 2 envelopes of powder. Someone is getting rich!