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The primary care team has an all field call on Friday morning. What are the chances that the entire BCBU Gen Med team will be eliminated? Or are all cuts expected to be made today?

White team reps should have gotten their new territories today if they were not let go, meaning that if you got your new territory and have spoken to your manager you’re safe. I’m sure the all field call will be about these changes and the new field focus

I’m gone! NUBU Rep. Anyone hear what the severance will be?

Thanks Mrs. half a dime or 5 pennies to others. Watch out, she will step all over people to get what she wants and could give two shits about anyone.

How do you explain these firings over dinner with your tard children and bald fuk hubby?

To those canned, this is a blessing for you as mrs. 5 pennies will ruin this franchise. Where is HUB Dub during this crisis?

You’re getting played you fool! So you take the word of a Russian thug all of a sudden????

Question - why did Russian interests give millions to the Clintons?????? Hmmmm????

Are they just so nice and generous? Or we’re they buying future influence during a Hillary presidency?????! Hmmm???

Actions speak louder than words. The Russians didn’t give Trump millions for nothing like they did Hillary.

You’re fixated on bagels cause zero is your hero!
Someone forgot to take their medicine today. Or did mommy forget to wash off your balls after you peed in the bed?

I’m gone! NUBU Rep. Anyone hear what the severance will be?

HUB Dub from the NUBU NE got let go, I knew it. He just announced he was in fact the rhyme master. He told me he is creating new content

Tiffs Rifs
Nikkel is in a pickle
It's OK our new GM is OJ
Rear end review time
Co promote mess, partners bailing to MS
We're unstable, repo men just seized our pool table

Get out while you can. Toxic environments nment for sales professionals. SLT considers you to be nothing but cannon fodder to be used, abused, and tossed away like toilet paper.

Can anyone tell me why we are hiring for positions both DM’s and reps nationwide when we just had layoffs! These all can’t be backfill jobs. Makes zero sense...salary, training, etc is money wasted.

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