cp wire

CP Wire Articles

  • Ridinilazole treatment resulted in a 59% reduction in recurrence compared to vancomycin
  • C. difficile causes approximately 500,000 infections and 29,000 deaths in the US... read more
Fri, 08/3/18 - 10:03 am
  • Selumetinib granted Orphan Status by the FDA in 2018
  • NF1 gene mutation occurs in approximately one in 3,000 births
  • Array Biopharma claims AZ owes approximately $192 million... read more
Fri, 08/3/18 - 09:23 am

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALNY), the leading RNAi therapeutics company, announced on 8/3/18 that the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has... read more

Fri, 08/3/18 - 09:01 am

BrainScope today announced its second consecutive nomination for the 2018 Annual Prix Galien USA Awards for “Best Medical Technology” product. Its flagship BrainScope One product is a multi-modal... read more

Thu, 08/2/18 - 09:59 am
  • There are currently no FDA approved treatments to stop or reverse loss of function in CMT
  • Ricolinostat is currently also being studied by Celgene as a cancer treatment
  • ... read more
Thu, 08/2/18 - 09:13 am
