cp wire

CP Wire Articles

UF Innovate | Sid Martin Biotech, a biotechnology incubator at the University of Florida, announced on 8/13/18 that resident company Lacerta... read more

Mon, 08/13/18 - 09:44 am
  • Parters include:Eli Lilly, Pfizer Ventures, JNJ Ventures, and AbbVie Ventures
  • Company will focus on slowing or stopping neuronal loss in certain disease states

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Mon, 08/13/18 - 09:24 am

Azitra Awarded NIH SBIR Grant to Develop Microbiome – based Therapeutic for Netherton Syndrome

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Fri, 08/10/18 - 09:16 am

Neuralstem, Inc. (Nasdaq:CUR) announced on 8/9/18 that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted orphan drug designation to NSI-189 for the... read more

Thu, 08/9/18 - 09:46 am

Ambys Medicines launched on 8/8/18 with a $60 million Series A financing funded by Third Rock Ventures and Takeda. As part of the launch, Ambys also announced today a strategic partnership with... read more

Wed, 08/8/18 - 09:17 am
