Unpartnered assets: on the shelf or hidden treasure?

Unpartnered assets: on the shelf or hidden treasure?

EP Vantage

Getting a novel drug to market is the endgame for many in biopharma but moving through the clinic without attracting the interest of a larger developer can be considered a slur. Figuring out whether these unencumbered projects are rare gems or fools’ gold is a major challenge, for both investors and pipeline-hungry partners.

Enter Evaluate Vantage’s latest list of biopharma’s mostly highly valued but unpartnered assets, featuring a few names that have cropped up in years past: Karuna, Ascendis and Madrigal. A run of big pharma bolt-on deals this year suggests that it is premature to consider their respective assets forever on the shelf, while the analysis throws up plenty of new entries to mull over.