Stock seems to be very volatile going up or down a few %. This might be result of company instability and related poor management and bad strategy. But there could be another reason, managing to cause such stock price swings, so the founders, big investors and cronies can profit from these price swings. SEC may look closer at this manipulation.
Do not give any presentations. They may pickup the information, use it and offer you nothing. This should become general rule everywhere. If you give presentation, it should be only on your published work repetition, not even literature review since they will ask you for opinion. If you do not have publications to present again, you may either politely decline, or do literature review with comments exactly as published papers. Watch out the stock options and other incentives.
Stock volatility reflect the chaotic management style. The short term or daily investors welcome this since they can experience stock price changes within a few percent almost every day. As in old saying, chaos can provide opportunity.