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Zoll Medical Sales

Does anyone know about this company? What type of compensation package do sales reps get?

Have the headhunters been calling you too? Is this for the Vest? I solicited info about this in an earlier post on the General Medical Sales thread. Like most opportunities, the potential was highly territory dependent. I think $120-130k was the realistic projection for the first year.

The new study sponsored by Zoll, GE and Medtronic should help expand interest in the Vest.

I'd think twice about ZOLL these days--if you are looking Hospital. Within the past two years there has been a change in the upper management. Like most capital companies, numbers were (and are) important, but goals were more realistic in years past. More recently, a flunky from Seimens and a bullshit start-up, Medwave (if you know his name you can see his final comp package for "resigning" on Google) has taken the helm as VP and is putting the smack down on the reps. More time and energy is being spent on an automatic CPR device which isn't selling; it sounds like the greatest thing since sliced bread, but clinicians aren't biting and its effecting comp plans. The turn-over is fairly high and the income is less than stellar, when compared to Philip or other mid capital companies.

Just wondering if anybody has some current feedback on Zoll and the AED market? There is a current opportunity in my area that I am considering applying for and while Zoll definately does appear to defer to Medtronic as the market leader, they look to be a good company on paper. Plus they seem to have a few unique products in the Lifevest and Autopulse.


Anyone have ANY info on Zoll, especially their EMS side? I heard of an opportunity in the midwest for EMS and the AutoPulse, etc. I'm curious about territory sizes, compensation, etc.


Anyone have ANY info on Zoll, especially their EMS side? I heard of an opportunity in the midwest for EMS and the AutoPulse, etc. I'm curious about territory sizes, compensation, etc.

I would stay away. MDT's Monitors and their new CPR device is kinda the gold standard for years. The EMS agencies constantly complain of the Zolls breaking as EMS medics beat the heck out of their stuff. Heard a lot about turn over at Zoll and also bad feedback on that auto pulse thing.

If it is for the vest maybe I would look at it. For EMS, management is a train wreck, good luck making north of 130,000. For hospital, run away! Great management, again, hard to make money. Great products, tough market and low commissions. Most leave after a year and a half.

Third call from recruiter for Arizona position, and I am now in a spot to consider this. Serious input only please! What can I expect to make year one.
Be careful with the recruiters. The ones that I worked with are horrible. Complete lack of professionalism in my opinion. I would do some more homework as it relates to the territory and not rely on the recruiter. How many reps in the last five years? If more than two you should walk without hesitation. Why did they leave? Were they fired? etc. In some cases it's the territory and not the rep. In others it could be unreasonable expectations brought on by management with little or no clue about the market. Finally, you do have reps that can't make it, but if the recruiters are experts in attracting talent then why are they constantly filling the same territory every 12 - 18 months? I hope this helps and wish you the best of luck.

Be careful with the recruiters. The ones that I worked with are horrible. Complete lack of professionalism in my opinion. I would do some more homework as it relates to the territory and not rely on the recruiter. How many reps in the last five years? If more than two you should walk without hesitation. Why did they leave? Were they fired? etc. In some cases it's the territory and not the rep. In others it could be unreasonable expectations brought on by management with little or no clue about the market. Finally, you do have reps that can't make it, but if the recruiters are experts in attracting talent then why are they constantly filling the same territory every 12 - 18 months? I hope this helps and wish you the best of luck.

Thank you!

I assume you are talking about billing for patient down loading. Last year a a field guide was distributed that had instructions for billing using a code that was approved for something else. This is most likely billing fraud since Zoll was asking us to promote this for an indication other than what it was intended for. So yes, it appears to be a violation of the False Claims Act. This field guide was then pulled from the field without explanation. The email explaining how to bill using this code and the printed field guide and the email tellings to yank it are in the possession of several state attorney offices I am told. I guess it could also be in the office of the DOJ? It seems like there is a rush to collect on a whistle blower claim. Good luck! Not sure where this will go because all states handle this differently. CA, OR, AZ, UT, NM, FL, seems to be where the focus is, but only those involved know for sure.