ZOLL Management and PIP

BOLDFACE LIES. Recruiters always lie. Ask a cardiologist his thoughts on Zoll, chances are he will admit he can’t practice medicine without them

Are you kidding me? Try to find a recruiter who thinks Zoll Lifevest is a good job. Also, try to find a cardiologist, not a resident, fellow, or ER doc, who is excited about lifevest and wants to talk to the rep. How many cardiologist would show up for dinner program? There are some reps with four years experience that haven’t talk to an interventional cardiologist in years

Are you kidding me? Try to find a recruiter who thinks Zoll Lifevest is a good job. Also, try to find a cardiologist, not a resident, fellow, or ER doc, who is excited about lifevest and wants to talk to the rep. How many cardiologist would show up for dinner program? There are some reps with four years experience that haven’t talk to an interventional cardiologist in years

Are you kidding me? Try to find a recruiter who thinks Zoll Lifevest is a good job. Also, try to find a cardiologist, not a resident, fellow, or ER doc, who is excited about lifevest and wants to talk to the rep. How many cardiologist would show up for dinner program? There are some reps with four years experience that haven’t talk to an interventional cardiologist in years

Is it true EP’s are putting life vests on their patients because there is no trial showing superiority of implantable ICD’s as compared to LifeVest? If that’s the way medicine is headed that’s huge for Zoll and only the reps who command respect will get their customers to act accordingly