Zoll bonus

75-99 to plan - 125K
100-109 to plan - 175K
110 and above - 250K

Under 75 they give you 50K to keep you interested.

Base is around 150K

That is wrong. Base is $75. And if you can't make plan, you are fired. No one cares to keep anyone" interested", sales force is literally called a necessary "evil" here and the plan is build to churn people out every 1-2 years. Commissions are based on money that may or may not be paid by insurance/patients. The average rep gets paid on roughly half their sales. The goal goes up every 2 weeks and if you manage to survive it, it goes up at the end of the year also so you lose however much you might have been ahead starting the new year. The average tenure here is less than 2 years.

75-99 to plan - 125K
100-109 to plan - 175K
110 and above - 250K

Under 75 they give you 50K to keep you interested.

Base is around 150K

Laughable, go ahead and quit your job and listen to this post! Absolutely untrue and very inaccurate. But you'll be another stupid ass that takes the job only to find out in one year that you're either getting put on a PIP or you're wanting to quit.

What a perfect illustration of what we live with here. Goal goes up every 2 weeks, goal goes up at the end of the year by 20-50%, then the reversals raise your goal 10-40% in a single 2 week period. NO ONE can keep up with all that. And Zoll thinks its funny. They also can't figure out why their growth has tanked. Here's a clue Zoll: a 50% turnover in your sales force is a bad thing. When the outside VPs you hire tell you that, you might listen to them instead of running them off within a few weeks of hire.

Plan is not $150 it is $128-134 depending (including your car allowance!). The major issue has always been the forecasting structure and leadership. The sole and only reason it is a two-week run is because it is felt that sales are lazy and need to be constantly motivated to "get orders". The assumption is with a monthly goal, you sit back and then run hard the last week of the month to hit plan. Silly and completely naive....but what do you expect. We have that much control that we can magically make "people qualify". Oh and that stupid annoying laugh of JW.

Well said and all true. The arrogance of this company's leadership is unmatched. No one brought in from outside the company lasts - they are all run off because they immediately recognize the commission problems and speak out about it. Zoll doesn't tolerate different ideas. They think a 50% turnover rate is something to be proud of. Idiots.

Well said and all true. The arrogance of this company's leadership is unmatched. No one brought in from outside the company lasts - they are all run off because they immediately recognize the commission problems and speak out about it. Zoll doesn't tolerate different ideas. They think a 50% turnover rate is something to be proud of. Idiots.

Zoll would PIP Tom Brady mid season to send a message to the OLine!

Yes. The upper leadership needs to be cleaned out. New people from OUTSIDE the company (the kind with ACTUAL industry experience/expertise) should be brought in to bring this company into a professional way of operating.

They don't need outside leadership.
JW sold pacers a long, long time ago so he knows the industry inside and out circa 2004.
And just think of all of the brilliant marketing that was developed to make the vest the most coveted medical device in history!

They don't need outside leadership.
JW sold pacers a long, long time ago so he knows the industry inside and out circa 2004.
And just think of all of the brilliant marketing that was developed to make the vest the most coveted medical device in history!

Hysterical. And that explains maintaining people in jobs that are way outside their league like DR. Its the only possible explanation. Only at Zoll is zero feedback collected from those below any level of management. It is one of the key reasons the dysfunction persists. Total autonomy goes completely unchecked. No one has to be efficient/fair/effective/professional at their job if no one below them can be heard, right?