I don’t know how to find a current zoetis board.. but with the announcement of Kristin Peck taking over from Juan Ramon..this makes me happy.. as I hope scumbags like Steve Leader who violates everyone with his words and suggestions is NOT moved up. And others like Jason McKinney has pretty much silenced anyone below him due to his actions.
The culture if you are field based is horrible .. as it’s a shut up and just tow the line.. if you speak up you are branded.. and you will never develop in the company.
The former manager I worked under celebrated if a sales win was made bc of a drinking game with customers and chastised another when science and technology was the slow win with other customers. The tone is the current abaxis collision is that abaxis said xxxx amount of employees had to be kept... And legacy zoetis employees are being told... don’t worry...xxxx is abaxis and won’t survive our 12 month training.