Zimmer Trauma

With the Biomet trauma products, especially the Hand Industry stuff, it will be a much more competitive company that either Z or B ever were.

All depends if they can get the senior Z and B reps to think and act like trauma reps. I think thumbs down. They are soft and take too much time off to be trauma reps.
Zimmer has tried the "boots on the ground" approach (trauma academy) which has been a total expensive failure. I don't know…any ideas?

The problem is that trauma is run by morons top to bottom. They have been allowed to hang out for years as presidents come and go with them getting a new lease on life every 2 - 3 years. Think about it! Tracy Rippy and the RSD's have NEVER been successful at anything and they still let them stay. It's crazy that an organization can flounder at 5% market share for several years and these idiots stay. Until there is a wholesale change at that level not even a merger can change things. Come back in 5 years and they will still have the same market share as they had when they merged with Biomet.

I believe the real problem is that Zimmer, like most other companies, never did nor never will invest in trauma. Invest in products, technology, inventory or people. Therefore you will never get the top marketing people, the top docs to consult, or the top reps. Once a rep gets experience they want to sell the key products...hip, knee, shoulders, etc. So...trauma keeps being the poor step-child. It's been that way for years and years. Maybe with a renewed excitement of Biomet products and more reps trying to keep their jobs, it will change...just a little.

With the Biomet trauma products, especially the Hand Industry stuff, it will be a much more competitive company that either Z or B ever were.

The thing that is being overlooked here is that the government, whether it is US, or an other will excersize the Same devestation as it did with Synthes/DePuy. The DVR will be gon as well as many other products to prevent a perceived monopoly of the trauma market.

Good Luck, and Good Night

The thing that is being overlooked here is that the government, whether it is US, or an other will excersize the Same devestation as it did with Synthes/DePuy. The DVR will be gon as well as many other products to prevent a perceived monopoly of the trauma market.

Good Luck, and Good Night

Haha!!! What a dope! At 5% market share Zimmer won't be monopolizing any segment of business in trauma. If you can't see the difference between Synthes inheriting the DVR and Zimmer then you're even dumber than you seem.

I believe the real problem is that Zimmer, like most other companies, never did nor never will invest in trauma. Invest in products, technology, inventory or people. Therefore you will never get the top marketing people, the top docs to consult, or the top reps. Once a rep gets experience they want to sell the key products...hip, knee, shoulders, etc. So...trauma keeps being the poor step-child. It's been that way for years and years. Maybe with a renewed excitement of Biomet products and more reps trying to keep their jobs, it will change...just a little.

look at all the jerk off running and you wonder why trauma blows look at the rvp s etc and you wonder why when all your leadership sits when they urinate like these clowns and you wonder why

I don't know if anyone can or will answer this. I was with a distributor when Zimmer put a direct rep in the region. He didn't stay very long and we never heard anything else from corporate. I left the distributor short time later. Does Zimmer still have a direct sales force? Who is in charge?. Do they still have RSD's? Always seemed to me that there were too many chiefs and not enough Indians. (yeah, I know but its a stab at NFL/PC). Seemed like way too much buddy buddy management

Honest question no flames please, I'm not a Ortho guy and received a call about Trauma gig in Cleveland and insight would be appreciated. Thanks

If you can negotiate court side seats for the Cavs in your deal, then take it. Its probably an opportunity with nothing but upside, meaning you wouldn't inherit much existing trauma business. You'd have to grow it. If you can sell, you can make a living. Depending on how the deal is structured, your commissions most likely would be lower than competitive trauma reps in your market. That could change with the Biomet integration. Also, this product line is probably being taken away from existing full line (Recon) reps. So, don't expect much help from them in transitioning surgeon relationships. It'll be a hard road. However, if you take the job and stay for two years, its good to have Zimmer on your resume and head hunters will call you with attractive opportunities with other companies. It could also be an eventual lead to recon if that's your interest. Good luck!

If you can negotiate court side seats for the Cavs in your deal, then take it. Its probably an opportunity with nothing but upside, meaning you wouldn't inherit much existing trauma business. You'd have to grow it. If you can sell, you can make a living. Depending on how the deal is structured, your commissions most likely would be lower than competitive trauma reps in your market. That could change with the Biomet integration. Also, this product line is probably being taken away from existing full line (Recon) reps. So, don't expect much help from them in transitioning surgeon relationships. It'll be a hard road. However, if you take the job and stay for two years, its good to have Zimmer on your resume and head hunters will call you with attractive opportunities with other companies. It could also be an eventual lead to recon if that's your interest. Good luck!

...a long-winded answer that there's no real future in sales with Z Trauma. Sad...

I am laughing at the 5% market share, do you understand what that is? You may say an opotunity, correct answer, but I am not the interviewing manager, I am your competition.
Good luck. You have to start somewhere.

Good luck. You have to start somewhere.

Exactly - that is what you do. You get a job a Zimmer in order to get your foot in the door and gain some experience. Zimmer hires people from outside the industry (they have to, because anyone who has been in orthopedics doesn't want to work there), then after putting up with the crappy culture and poor leadership for a few years, you leverage your experience to get a job with a better company. They don't call it "Zimmer U" for no reason.
Good luck and welcome to Zimmer University!

The thing that is being overlooked here is that the government, whether it is US, or an other will excersize the Same devestation as it did with Synthes/DePuy. The DVR will be gon as well as many other products to prevent a perceived monopoly of the trauma market.

Good Luck, and Good Night

What do you mean the DVR will be gone? You can't be that stupid...forcing a company to divest something, means that both companies has a large market share with that type of product. Last time I checked, I haven't seen many Zimmer distal radius plates being thrown in.

He is a blithering idiot who has hidden behind flat growth and no success at all. His butt buddy Tracy hired him in a made up position and he ultimately failed. Please, if anyone is interviewing any of these RSD clowns please ask to see their documented performance. Trust me, it will be nothing but a huge laugh. Ask yourself why that crew of losers keeps their jobs and never leave. Good luck RSD's because you are the biggest group of ass kissing no talent losers on the planet.