Zimmer trauma going direct

Did any of you asking on specifics on the Zimmer trauma products ever get a good response or if you are now with Zimmer, I have the same questions you did. I'm interviewing now and would like to know specifics of what Zimmers finds to be advantageous in their trauma line over Stryker or Synthes. It's a great Company and I really want the job and to better understand the selling points. Serious responses only

Dude, you sound desperate! In todays market, the advantage is in the relationship and access to OR. If you are new to the industry, go for it and get it on your resume. Products are good but not superior and certainly not revolutionary. Good luck but your excitement will only let you down in the long run. if you want to really know what to expect give me a call 214.597. 7016 only $19.99 per call...

Take the job then network to find another job. Even the Synthes reps hate their job and they make more than you will ever make. Everybody makes money on trauma (hospital, docs, company and distributor) except the trauma rep. Trauma is a "starter" job. The worst part is if you really have a few busy docs using Zimmer you will be on call 24/7. Better not be married or have a girlfriend. Gays usually make the best trauma reps. No...I am not being funny or disrespectful