zimmer layoffs


rumor of 250 that were laid off at Zimmer Warsaw on Feb 1, 2011. Salaried and Hourly. Entire departments that are now gone. People with 30 and 40 years let go.

Can anyone confirm anything? Also, is it true the cops were there just in case someone went to their car to get a legally stored firearm? (There's a new take your gun to work law in Indiana.)

2/1/2011 1:58:00 PM Email this article • Print this article
Zimmer Employees Face Layoffs

Staff Report

An officially undetermined number of Zimmer Holdings Inc. employees were laid off today.

In a press release this morning, Zimmer Director of Public Relations Garry Clark stated, "Zimmer is pursuing a number of restructuring and transformation initiatives that are designed to streamline the company's operations.

"These initiatives will enable the company to accelerate investment in R&D and commercial programs to drive sustained growth.

"As part of these ongoing efforts, the company today eliminated certain positions across its businesses and geographic segments. All affected employees will be supported with a range of severance and outplacement benefits. As Zimmer continues its transformative programs, the company expects recent personnel reductions to be more than offset by future hiring."

Zimmer laying off workers
250 jobs rumored to be affected
By Stacey Page

Police were called to Zimmer Inc. in Warsaw this morning to make sure there were no problems when another major layoff was announced.

Garry Clark, Zimmer's director of Public Relations, released this statement: “Zimmer is pursuing a number of restructuring and transformation initiatives that are designed to streamline the Company’s operations. These initiatives will enable the Company to accelerate investment in R&D and commercial programs to drive sustained growth.

"As part of these ongoing efforts, the Company today eliminated certain positions across its businesses and geographic segments. All affected employees will be supported with a range of severance and outplacement benefits. As Zimmer continues its transformative programs, the company expects recent personnel reductions to be more than offset by future hiring.”

Zimmer employees say about 250 employees - both salaried and hourly - are affected.

We now have electric cars for transport between plants, we're addressing disparities in the medical delivery system AND now have a sustainability program that is simply off the chart. Isn't that what's really important?

There were indeed over 250 (most of us here in Warsaw heard closer to 350) hourly and mostly salaried employees laid off at the Warsaw corporate offices. The cuts were made without regard to tenure, performance, basically overall any sort of rationale. These cuts were in addition to the cuts made to mostly upper management (Associate Director level and above) in mid-December. If there were police there, I did not see any. Morale is horribly low and most of us that are left wouldn't have been surprised or upset if we were on the list. The company is run extremely poorly with an upper management regime that ONLY cares about stock price in the short-term. Rumor has it (the last two rumors were correct) that another round of cuts will occur in the next month.

of course, the impetious for change is that Zimmer is "right sizing" for our business models. focusing on customers, reducing costs, eliminating waste, streamlining operations...

It all the same BS...

its sad this happens and no one wants to see people lose their jobs, but it happens. Most of the time to the wrong people. The Z needs to cut some fat from the top, DD, CB, etc. I would like to see this happen at the competition right off 30 on the west side of town. This place is a mess and needs some house cleaning.

How does the layoffs in Warsaw affect the distributors and there reps across the nation? Will there be any change to the way they are structured?

The initial effect will be a number of people thrown into new responsibilities and no one to show them the ropes. They still have to fill the roles that they had prior to the downsizing, so they are often without sufficient time to learn their new role. The roles in question range from distribution, to R&D, to customer service, accounting, etc......

Change in structure? Only time will tell.

Could most of the salaried people laid off be former allies of Cheryl C? Some of the names I heard rose very quickly under her?

If you mean Sheryl C, please spare us. We rejoiced the day she was thrown out of Zimmer! That is the one (and maybe only) thing Zimmer actually got right in the last decade.

Sounds like a new mother ship is headed to Warsaw. Mergers attorney as CEO ... and GE employees being placed into leadership positions. "Zimmer Orthopaedics ... a tiny little division of General Electric" is kinda catchy. Why else would a company can most of their talent ... unless this is just a tyrannical attempt to weed out the "contrarians" that can see past Zimmer's questionable business practices.

Sounds like a new mother ship is headed to Warsaw. Mergers attorney as CEO ... and GE employees being placed into leadership positions. "Zimmer Orthopaedics ... a tiny little division of General Electric" is kinda catchy. Why else would a company can most of their talent ... unless this is just a tyrannical attempt to weed out the "contrarians" that can see past Zimmer's questionable business practices.

What's with all the mystic surrounding GE anyway? Let's be honest, McCaulley is no Jack Welch! Not even close. Plus, has anyone examined GE's alleged success over the past few years, nothing stellar there that's for sure. People are delusional if they thinlk McCaulley is going to rush in, change the ortho culture and turn things around. They have pretty much ruoned this once great company.

What's with all the mystic surrounding GE anyway? Let's be honest, McCaulley is no Jack Welch! Not even close. Plus, has anyone examined GE's alleged success over the past few years, nothing stellar there that's for sure. People are delusional if they thinlk McCaulley is going to rush in, change the ortho culture and turn things around. They have pretty much ruoned this once great company.

I will take a tenured GE guy over a tenured Zimmer guy any day. I need my salary to provide for my family. The previous Zimmer team was knowledgeable about orthopedics but clueless about how to run a profitable business. The GE guys know about profitability and profitability leads to long term employment. Zimmer's "greatness" is in the rear-view mirror. The GE guys are disrupting a culture or complete incompetence. I will take the GE guy that is hard nosed about profits and much less socially adapt. At least I can keep my job.

I will take a tenured GE guy over a tenured Zimmer guy any day. I need my salary to provide for my family. The previous Zimmer team was knowledgeable about orthopedics but clueless about how to run a profitable business. The GE guys know about profitability and profitability leads to long term employment. Zimmer's "greatness" is in the rear-view mirror. The GE guys are disrupting a culture or complete incompetence. I will take the GE guy that is hard nosed about profits and much less socially adapt. At least I can keep my job.

You won't have a job for long, that's precisely the problem....