Zimmer in Kansas City

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.

This place has become a joke. She now has absolute power and control to do whatever she wants and if you dare disagree or push back then you are sexist! Good times ahead with Nancy Pelosi

The entire company has become a mess. Not sure what’s happened but it feels like all of the sudden we are just in bad shape. Everywhere is complaining about the same old stuff but nowhere is worse then kc.

Didn’t happen all of the sudden, this has been a long slow erosion of everything that was good. Recycle an old manager and expect something different this time around is ridiculous.

Tom Carr has the sweetest gig around, doesn’t want to grow, doesn’t want to be questioned, doesn’t sell ( tells whoever will listen that he’s not a salesman), doesn’t answer to a quota. He is the smartest person around. He makes a fortune for covering what others built.

The Jackie experiment is not going to end well. Very little respect left in KC. You have to at the very least respect your boss, somewhat like your boss and believe that they in turn respect and like you. Nothing here even resembles that.

Why’d Stacy get fired? You guys were doing really well. Good group of reps and a solid manager who’s making his number...interesting that’d ZB would replace him unless the new manager sold him out. If she sold him out then she’ll sell anyone out. Be careful

Tom Carr has the sweetest gig around, doesn’t want to grow, doesn’t want to be questioned, doesn’t sell ( tells whoever will listen that he’s not a salesman), doesn’t answer to a quota. He is the smartest person around. He makes a fortune for covering what others built.

This makes total sense except that he is one of the only ones hitting his numbers. You all are a bunch of geniuses. Whiny snowflakes that have to blame everyone else for your lack of success, and lash out at those that are more successful. How about you stop worrying so much about what everyone else is doing and do something yourself. Sell something! Go ahead, start the excuses and blaming everyone but yourself. We are waiting. You should all be embarrassed, but you won’t be.

What qualifies Matt Adkins to manage us now? He talked constantly about Jackie and Stacy and suddenly he’s now our manager, wtf? There are more senior reps with longer track records that would have made way more sense. This place is becoming intolerable!

What qualifies Matt Adkins to manage us now? He talked constantly about Jackie and Stacy and suddenly he’s now our manager, wtf? There are more senior reps with longer track records that would have made way more sense. This place is becoming intolerable!

As for the above? We all know its the same person with a grudge typing the same content over and over and over.....

It's time for him to move on. Oh, that's right he cant get a job anywhere else 'cuz he's a loser.

Recycling Jackie to manage again is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. She can't sell nor can she manage. In order to be a successful leader you have to have some respect from the field, which she has none. I am continually amazed by the idiotic decisions ZB continues to make, however, this one has to be one of the dumbest. And on a side note, are you really surprised she picked Matt? She needs someone she can blame when things go South.

Jackie and Matt, as strange as it is, leading us somewhat makes sense but rehiring a guy who quit when things got tough and putting him in a leadership position is whacked! He quit, badmouths everyone here then is invited back and we’re supposed to trust and work with him is insane.

Kyger makes no sense. Not only did he quit but he talked smack about most of us on the way out. Weird that ZB would even consider it but that’s the world we live in. Reps are the only ones who face consequences. Should have brought Mason back!