Zimmer in Kansas City

They lie all the time! New contracts and commission rates should be out soon but I’m sure they’ll wait till the last minute again. They’ll continue to lie about everyone being on the same deal and treated equally. Total BS

Not many left that are honorable. Good luck with the new contracts. Have a good place to go before you try to threaten and play hardball. Corporate isn’t playing anymore, bigger fish to fry and issues to deal with then if a few reps leave.

As bad as Jackie and Stacy are, backorders and commission cuts, Mason and Conformis are worse. Stock is at .93 cents a share, almost insolvent! We really have no choice but to just stay and take whatever they give us. Company played it perfectly!!

Jackie couldn't pick me out of a line up and I couldn't do the same for Stacey, but I've been around longer than most anyone here and been successful each and every year. I'll give both of them this:

The Kansas crew is a bunch of insolent, incompetent, cowardly, useless whiners. I have no cross to bear for or against either Jackie or Stacy, but admire that they refrain from engaging in the ZB Kansas Middle School Psychosis.

God forbid i ever wind up in a foxhole with any of you.

Very well said and 100% accurate! Bunch of arrogant people around here and the only way they can be successful is by the brilliance of our so called management, who do absolutely nothing.

You guys are worse than pathetic. You've been spewing the same bullshit..."Mason signing on the team...change is in the air" for 2 years. The rest of us are laughing at you morons.