Zero Scripts So Far

So you work for a real pharma company - so you are someone who accepts no risk, and will be replaced after 8 years of service like an old car with not sales skills.

Best of luck in your next career at Walmart - have you started to notice you are no longer one of the "young" reps ?

Maybe you could help this guy get a job since you are the night manager.

My scripts are growing every week! Have probably 25 docs who will write ( for appropriate patient). I know we are on a roll. I can't for the life of me try and figure what type of person would come on another companies board and poo poo their products and enthusiasm? What sort of person is that big of a loser? Is it jealously ? Is it just pure hatefulness? We have a great product and it will help patients get to their goals. This is what matters,not some laid off bitter hateful person from who knows where trying to discourage us. :) Keep working hard and keep the patient in mind. Have a great day!

My scripts are growing every week! Have probably 25 docs who will write ( for appropriate patient). I know we are on a roll. I can't for the life of me try and figure what type of person would come on another companies board and poo poo their products and enthusiasm? What sort of person is that big of a loser? Is it jealously ? Is it just pure hatefulness? We have a great product and it will help patients get to their goals. This is what matters,not some laid off bitter hateful person from who knows where trying to discourage us. :) Keep working hard and keep the patient in mind. Have a great day!

Sorry, I made a typo. It should say "2" docs and not "25". I am currently working on number 3.

Raise LDL ... afib warning ... fishy burps and fishy taste --> Lovaza RIP!!!

Most are already on Lipitor (or similar) so LDL is not a big deal, afib is rare, and I have yet to hear anyone complain about fishy burps or taste. In short, the product continues to be successful and Vascepa has been looked at as a "me-too" product that no one really seems to need. That is why the sales have been pathetic so far.

A Fib rare? In the target market?
Are you sure?
Target market is patients over 65 - Cardiology market
Fishy taste
Have you even consumed Lovaza
Consumed on an empty stomach?
Please return to this board after you have passed sales training successfully

A Fib rare? In the target market?
Are you sure?
Target market is patients over 65 - Cardiology market
Fishy taste
Have you even consumed Lovaza
Consumed on an empty stomach?
Please return to this board after you have passed sales training successfully

You guys are so clueless. Please go educate yourselves on the Afib study, better yet, don't and keep making fools of yourselves in front of the doctors.
Consumed Lovaza for over 7 years with no problems of taste or eructation. Best damn omega 3 on the market....period!
Ldl? Funny! Where is Vascepa's MONOtherapy trial???

A Fib rare? In the target market?
Are you sure?
Target market is patients over 65 - Cardiology market
Fishy taste
Have you even consumed Lovaza
Consumed on an empty stomach?
Please return to this board after you have passed sales training successfully

I have taken Lovaza for 2 years. Never had a problem (just like most people). The FACT is that docs and their patients think that Lovaza works just fine and there is no need to another product. The pathetic launch of Vascepa confirms this.

You guys are so clueless. Please go educate yourselves on the Afib study, better yet, don't and keep making fools of yourselves in front of the doctors.
Consumed Lovaza for over 7 years with no problems of taste or eructation. Best damn omega 3 on the market....period!
Ldl? Funny! Where is Vascepa's MONOtherapy trial???

Are you sure, are you freezing Lovaza?
Incidence of A Fib - Do you need a medicare chart?
Do you even know what the Cox Maze Procedure is?
Can you say this word electrophysiologist?
For you - wraps not pizza-wash my car and shine my shoes

Are you sure, are you freezing Lovaza?
Incidence of A Fib - Do you need a medicare chart?
Do you even know what the Cox Maze Procedure is?
Can you say this word electrophysiologist?
For you - wraps not pizza-wash my car and shine my shoes

You act like people are dying in the streets.


Hey poster 33 actually people ARE dying in the streets Dickweed. heart disease is the #1 killer. Does it matter what it is made of ? We drop trigs with no increase in LDL .Have a great day!:)

Hey poster 33 actually people ARE dying in the streets Dickweed. heart disease is the #1 killer. Does it matter what it is made of ? We drop trigs with no increase in LDL .Have a great day!:)

And how many have heart disease because of a fish oil pill? Give me a break. Lovaza works just fine. If a patient has high LDL's, they are on generic Lipitor.