Nah, I think the firings came from hiring sales people who sucked.....really, Castle's bad, but if you suck at sales, 1) you will probably be fired at any company and 2) you should find a new line of work.

I think it's funny about all the talk of lawsuits and broken laws. this is horse shit coming from misinformed, terminated fucktards who listen to their fellow fucktard.
FUCKTARD! What is that?
You sound like some southern piece of work that just evolved from a simple cell end organism and crawled out of the swamp! U give southern people a bad name that they don't derserve.
FYI- "shit wagon" Castle has fired many very successful reps over and over again! If they weren't successful sales reps with a successful history then why did Castle hire them in the first place??????


Seems like this place is DOA into 2016. Management posting on cafe pharma a tell tale sign. Poor ole Kar Earl is working his fat stubby fingers to death posting.
Scott next time your with the alabama flash, glance down at his fingers. They look like stubby elongated triangles. Don't laugh in his face. JMHO

FUCKTARD! What is that?
You sound like some southern piece of work that just evolved from a simple cell end organism and crawled out of the swamp! U give southern people a bad name that they don't derserve.
FYI- "shit wagon" Castle has fired many very successful reps over and over again! If they weren't successful sales reps with a successful history then why did Castle hire them in the first place??????

It's "single celled organism" genius.

Any bets on the date they go out of business?
Tox sales dwindling and not the focus.
Old machines they are trying to push out the door seems to be a last ditch effort.

I say 6 months at the most.

Any bets on the date they go out of business?
Tox sales dwindling and not the focus.
Old machines they are trying to push out the door seems to be a last ditch effort.

I say 6 months at the most.
No telling really. I just know that this new lab that I am involved with has many many more test Ect Ect than Castle ever had. And they are rep and customer friendly!!! And pay a heck if a lot better. People that know lab sales just laugh when you tell them that you did your 90 days at Castle's hire n fire mill. Like I have quoted in the past " stupid is as stupid does."

Long live The King of Hearts

Few Reps who are left clinging to their few accounts.
Castle mismanaged sales force has come back to bite them in my opinion.
What a shame this place could have been a power house in tox.
Instead the bonji boys and Kar Earls of the world ran it into the ground.
Pitiful just pitiful. opinion is my opinion. .....

Few Reps who are left clinging to their few accounts.
Castle mismanaged sales force has come back to bite them in my opinion.
What a shame this place could have been a power house in tox.
Instead the bonji boys and Kar Earls of the world ran it into the ground.
Pitiful just pitiful. opinion is my opinion. .....

Elvis has left the building; the fat Elvis that is.

Hey Xxxx, you still here? I am but not with Castle Medical. I guess I was right after all! I'm the last man standing in this territory. So much for all your hype about us losers being unable to sell lab services. You Castle is crumbling beneath your feet. LMAO, you still "trying to put the common sense back into medicine?" What a joke! And that KPI numbers game that wa gonna make us all wealthy?

I bet Rob is just KILLIN IT with his 90% plus closing rate with another tox company.....NOT. So sad to humor such a ship of fools.

Someone please breath some life back into this site. I miss all the DVPS getting on here and trying to defend their phoney positions. They had no clue about selling in medical when it's not given to them.

Hey Xxxx, you still here? I am but not with Castle Medical. I guess I was right after all! I'm the last man standing in this territory. So much for all your hype about us losers being unable to sell lab services. You Castle is crumbling beneath your feet. LMAO, you still "trying to put the common sense back into medicine?" What a joke! And that KPI numbers game that wa gonna make us all wealthy?

I bet Rob is just KILLIN IT with his 90% plus closing rate with another tox company.....NOT. So sad to humor such a ship of fools.

Someone please breath some life back into this site. I miss all the DVPS getting on here and trying to defend their phoney positions. They had no clue about selling in medical when it's not given to them.

A few did manage to dig deep at another tox company up the street. I'm going to reach out and see how green the grass is

A few did manage to dig deep at another tox company up the street. I'm going to reach out and see how green the grass is
Good for you my friend! Just remember to see at least 25 contacts a day, fill out your KPI, bring common sense back to medicine and ALWAYS KEEP YOUR BONJI HIGH!!!!! And you will make $250,000-$500,000.00 annually like our old beloved DVPS!

A few did manage to dig deep at another tox company up the street. I'm going to reach out and see how green the grass is
So you are telling me that the "losers and whiners" at Castle that were fired for being poor sales performance are successful at another lab selling the same service in the same neighborhood! Hmmmmmm, that remarkable !!!

Hey "Fatboys" what about it ????

So you are telling me that the "losers and whiners" at Castle that were fired for being poor sales performance are successful at another lab selling the same service in the same neighborhood! Hmmmmmm, that remarkable !!!

Hey "Fatboys" what about it ????

Fatboy Carl is eating castle's lunch with new company.