ZERO job cuts to the RD's today

Senior Elder Tenured Salt n' Pepper Pube havin' DM here. It's time to lay it all out, the final word. The end all speculation bomb you have all been waiting for. The conjecture dispelling insider info. THE rumor clearing scoop. The hearsay eliminating stockholder truth. You are all dick noses. Happy job hunting.

RD here: No this is dead serious. I know this woman has a brest track record and has worked her butt off to move up to DM. Sometimes that 'little extra' effort is what makes the difference. Senior managers remember the eager young reps who work late to fill a need; close a sale; help a coworker.

Yes this is a joke. If this rd knew this dm he would have to report her for being on this site.

Yes this is a joke. If this rd knew this I dm he would have to report her for being on this site.

RD leaving for office: my friend ; the Sr DM posted On Her Own Time Off Hrs and DID NOT Criticize Foractavis! I'm. off to the office for a Big Meeting with some folks from HR .........guess what that's about.

Senior dm here, I'm just finishing up work from Tuesday ready to jump in the shower and get ready for Wednesday. I feel bad starting late today but I did put in 23 hours yesterday. This is how you get ahead you miserable swine, you work longer then everyone else, report after report and spreadsheet after spreadsheet. I wouldn't be surprised to be named rd in the next few days. God bless forest and god bless my work ethic

Senior dm here, I'm just finishing up work from Tuesday ready to jump in the shower and get ready for Wednesday. I feel bad starting late today but I did put in 23 hours yesterday. This is how you get ahead you miserable swine, you work longer then everyone else, report after report and spreadsheet after spreadsheet. I wouldn't be surprised to be named rd in the next few days. God bless forest and god bless my work ethic
Yes this is how you bring true impact to an office and your providers being the master at excel. Maybe if you weren't a social reject and could actually carry on a conversation with a human being instead of your iPad you may have relevance in the world. Oh and I just finished my 63rd pharmacy call after working a 26 hour day, some of us just produce more than you Jr DM.

Yes this is how you bring true impact to an office and your providers being the master at excel. Maybe if you weren't a social reject and could actually carry on a conversation with a human being instead of your iPad you may have relevance in the world. Oh and I just finished my 63rd pharmacy call after working a 26 hour day, some of us just produce more than you Jr DM.

DM here: I doubt anyone can do that many calls in a day. Get real.

DM here : What sarcasm? You must strive to meet big numbers to make Pclub. We DMs are on top of all this and recognize that 20+ calls is not easy but certainly very doable for a motivated Rep. Go Go Go

HR monitoring site:: We agree that 65+ or whatever is a ridiculous number of calls per day. Allowing for travel time and meals that's simply not achievable, even by the most efficient Rep. A number in the 20's however appears achievable to us in HR.