ZB jOE Putnam

Putnam blows these clowns out of the water. How mad will JS be if Putnam takes his distributorship? 1 things for sure-if Putnam allows him to stay ... he won’t make 1/2 of what he made with Stallings. Give these guys a going away party and we will send them off with some cake and balloons. Then we will get drunk AF knowing they’re gone.

Putnam blows these clowns out of the water. How mad will JS be if Putnam takes his distributorship? 1 things for sure-if Putnam allows him to stay ... he won’t make 1/2 of what he made with Stallings. Give these guys a going away party and we will send them off with some cake and balloons. Then we will get drunk AF knowing they’re gone.

If by some random chance JP pulled off getting the distributorship, it would be exactly what JS would get. He backstabbed Stallings... and we all know what goes around comes around. If I were to guess though, this territory will be split in half and go direct because it's so badly in shambles due to these MO&JS.

Putnam blows these clowns out of the water. How mad will JS be if Putnam takes his distributorship? 1 things for sure-if Putnam allows him to stay ... he won’t make 1/2 of what he made with Stallings. Give these guys a going away party and we will send them off with some cake and balloons. Then we will get drunk AF knowing they’re gone.

Give it to Joe and let him give it a go. If it fails-then go direct. Joe and his senior counterparts can handle the ebbs and flows of this territory along with their years of experience and relationships in this market. They have done it before and they have proven they can grow an area without the micromanagement of a distributor and management. That is the last and only hope for this area. Going direct would be ideal, but it would take years to rebuild this territory. To save what is left and attempt to rebuild, the distributorship needs to be handed over to someone that lives in this area and understands what is going on. This business is built around relationships, and all MO and JS have done is destroyed relationships in this area. There are multiple surgeons and nurses/hospital staff that speak poorly about the company and JS specifically, due to the way he has treated people in the past, and the actions he continues to bestow upon his representatives and staff. His actions and treatment of others does not appear to be stopping him, and we cannot let him continue to destroy what has been built over the course of many of our careers.

Give it to Joe and let him give it a go. If it fails-then go direct. Joe and his senior counterparts can handle the ebbs and flows of this territory along with their years of experience and relationships in this market. They have done it before and they have proven they can grow an area without the micromanagement of a distributor and management. That is the last and only hope for this area. Going direct would be ideal, but it would take years to rebuild this territory. To save what is left and attempt to rebuild, the distributorship needs to be handed over to someone that lives in this area and understands what is going on. This business is built around relationships, and all MO and JS have done is destroyed relationships in this area. There are multiple surgeons and nurses/hospital staff that speak poorly about the company and JS specifically, due to the way he has treated people in the past, and the actions he continues to bestow upon his representatives and staff. His actions and treatment of others does not appear to be stopping him, and we cannot let him continue to destroy what has been built over the course of many of our careers.

That's why they can't get a CHI/KY 1 contract because JS has damaged that relationship so badly, Rachel won't even speak to him and he won't to her.

Give it to Joe and let him give it a go. If it fails-then go direct. Joe and his senior counterparts can handle the ebbs and flows of this territory along with their years of experience and relationships in this market. They have done it before and they have proven they can grow an area without the micromanagement of a distributor and management. That is the last and only hope for this area. Going direct would be ideal, but it would take years to rebuild this territory. To save what is left and attempt to rebuild, the distributorship needs to be handed over to someone that lives in this area and understands what is going on. This business is built around relationships, and all MO and JS have done is destroyed relationships in this area. There are multiple surgeons and nurses/hospital staff that speak poorly about the company and JS specifically, due to the way he has treated people in the past, and the actions he continues to bestow upon his representatives and staff. His actions and treatment of others does not appear to be stopping him, and we cannot let him continue to destroy what has been built over the course of many of our careers.

^joey p now posting about himself

Re: What actions?

MO & JS don’t conduct themselves according to legal/ethical standards outlined in the Code-ZB policies/procedures. JS/MO are not honest. They don’t take responsibility for their jobs, accountability for their work & they are not good stewards of company resources. They don’t conduct themselves in accordance with the company mission/guiding principles.

JS/MO don’t respect individual contributions/diverse perspectives; they don’t support professional growth or provide individuals with opportunities to share in success. They don’t commit to the highest standards of patient safety, quality & integrity. They don’t have ethical business practices. They don’t focus resources in areas where they will make a difference. They go against the wishes of customers. They don’t ensure the company’s return is = to the value provided for customers/patients.

They put on a show when it comes to giving back to communities/people in need. Do you want to be on a “team” when you see what they’ve done to “teammates”? Does it warm my soul to know I helped a family, after seeing them hurt people/families that worked here? No. I don’t like to hear them trash talk people who resign either.

Their “team” is not their most important asset. MO/JS are their own most important asset. They make sure there are no open lines of communication & they don’t comply with laws for a healthy, safe, fair or harassment free workplace. TE will tell people to hush if they bring up an HR issue.

They are not dedicated to attracting & retaining the best talent. JS/MO don’t hire based on qualifications, experience or skills.

They don’t compensate based on performance. They don’t promote a fair & competitive work environment. JS & MO don’t provide equal employment opportunities.

JS, MO & TE tolerate discrimination & harassment. Violence & threatening behavior is tolerated. The use of drugs is not prohibited. ZB property, information & their position within the company is being used for personal gain. Business expenses & arrangements with HCP’s are not accurately documented.

Computers & telephones are not used appropriately for personal use and negatively affects work performance. Collaborating with a competitor or taking actions that could have an improper anticompetitive effect occur in this territory. Promotion & marketing of products is not always done in a lawful & truthful manner.

They go against the company’s policy to cooperate with inspections & investigations. They do not investigate potential or known violations. They retaliate against anyone who makes a good faith report of a concern. They question employees and accuse employees of making such reports, resulting in retaliation.

Does this board actively reflect positivity on ZB?

Are you comfortable with this information publicly known?

Do you want more information coming out?

If your answer is no, then where is Compliance, HR or Legal?

Are you firmly convinced that this distributorship accelerates ZB’s ability to execute on ZB’s Mission? Does it Alleviate pain and improve the quality of life for people around the world? Does it put ZB on a differentiated platform to be the MOST ETHICAL and AGGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION WHERE #WINNING IS THE ONLY WAY?


keep an eye on this guy at AAOS. what booths are he visiting? who's he talking to? what product is he upselling? Is it ZB or is it the multiple other companies he has deals with?