Dilip is a smart business man. He close it before its getting too expensive.
Based on a meeting last week, I am not sure whats going on. Last months we have had an exodus in our PDT-team with no refill. When I asked for it I looked once more into the eyes of a swindler. Once a liar, always a liar... But this time I saw helplessness on top, accompanied by shrug. Whats next?
I have had some sleepless nights right now. This another one...
For what reason there is no serious refill? Are they closing? Or do they start to reduce the costs to earn as much before Biofrontera will take the lead? Or is there simple nobody who likes to work for us? Or they buy Biofrontera right now?
It makes me sick. I worked for a long time in the field of PDT. And i amIt was a great mistake to underestimate Biofrontera. I remember how they joked...
I am not that young anymore. Do you understand me? Its hard to find a job for my last years. Hiring an old dog?