You call that a bonus plan ?!

Bottom line, you Pharmasucklic reps don't even back your Lexus out of your driveway because the Jansen reps are selling this drug. What a joke you all are. They do the work you collect bonus and then bitch. You have a good drug try working and maybe your pathetic lives as so called sales people will brighten.

Ha ha ha….you MUST be from Jansen. Can't even spell the name correctly. It's JANSSEN, dickhead! We'll teach your sorry ass how to sell once you learn how to spell the name of your own f'in company…….ASSHOLE

Why I told recruiter I wasnt going all the way to Sunnyvale CA on one day to interview the next day to take a red eye or come home the following day

This company was so f'n arrogant like they were blockbuster....they had one article written about them and they went over the top

I was asked to interview for market access and after I looked at scotts profile on linkedin and was asked to basically give up a whole week for 4 hours of interviews....i said no thanks

and It was an obviously very smart move!

Actually, now that was a very dumb move!

Actually, now that was a very dumb move!

Life changing payout and the full experience of joining a start up with all the highs and lows! It rarely pays off like this in such a short time but it did.

Ibrutinib turned out to be a true blockbuster, countless more indications and combinations to come. Soon, Ibrutinib and ABT199.