Document and record every conversation you can. I did for several years and it paid off. Top in sales in division but of course DM best friend won Award and trip. (She finished 4th) I refused to sign and asked for meeting with Regional and let her know I had documentation and review was not correct. Review was changed and I never met with Regional. Merck has lost several lawsuits recently with reps.

complete bullshit....a manager CANNOT just pick people for awards and trips with out major justification to all other managers and their DCO. If someone finished 4th in the district, and got a VP award there must have been mitigating circumstances, like maybe they covered vacant territories, I don't know ...I can't imagine this being true. As a manager who goes thru calibration and differentiation every year, this process is so freaking checked guys have no clue. If by chance I had a best friend working on my team (and no manger is buds with their team, it clouds judgment and it would be called out) I could never award them anything unless they earned it fairly. That being said, if you are easy to manage, in other words you don't give your manager shit, you do your job, you don't try to cheat the system, you aren't nasty all the basics - and you get good numbers, you will win. On the other hand if you are busting your ass and you have a shitty year and you've done everything you can (cause lets be honest here, we only have so much control over the numbers) you won't end up in the bottom. The issues arise when you get in the bottom more than once, thats when managers get the pressure to manage out. That comes from HR.

complete bullshit....a manager CANNOT just pick people for awards and trips with out major justification to all other managers and their DCO. If someone finished 4th in the district, and got a VP award there must have been mitigating circumstances, like maybe they covered vacant territories, I don't know ...I can't imagine this being true. As a manager who goes thru calibration and differentiation every year, this process is so freaking checked guys have no clue. If by chance I had a best friend working on my team (and no manger is buds with their team, it clouds judgment and it would be called out) I could never award them anything unless they earned it fairly. That being said, if you are easy to manage, in other words you don't give your manager shit, you do
your job, you don't try to cheat the system, you aren't nasty all the

basics - and you get good numbers, you will win. On the other hand if you are busting your ass and you have a shitty year and you've done everything you can (cause lets be honest here, we only have so much control over the numbers) you won't end up in the bottom. The issues arise when you get in the bottom more than once, thats when managers get the pressure to manage out. That comes from HR.
Don't believe this for a moment. I was a manager for 20+ years and the actions described are bullshit. Deals are made between managers and for the most part the fix is in. I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine. Favorites are given the awards others get nothing.

Don't believe this for a moment. I was a manager for 20+ years and the actions described are bullshit. Deals are made between managers and for the most part the fix is in. I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine. Favorites are given the awards others get nothing.

well maybe when you were a manager, and those were the sleazy things you did, but i can tell you that now, in my ET, we could not get away with that at all. If we are trying to put someone forward who isn't clearly in the top from a numbers perspective, you have to sell that to every manager, because they are trying to get their people in the top, and the DCO has to approve it. Clearly when you were a manager, things were a bit more subjective and that is exactly why the field doesn't trust the process. Its very different now, I can assure you. Also, DCO's try to get with most people in the region during the year so they have an idea of their skill set, so if you try to pull a fast one, you get stomped by other managers and your DCO. Managers really take this process seriously - at least on my team. We don't make deals, we don't scratch each others back because there are so few spaces at the top and we are trying to get our people there.

well maybe when you were a manager, and those were the sleazy things you did, but i can tell you that now, in my ET, we could not get away with that at all. If we are trying to put someone forward who isn't clearly in the top from a numbers perspective, you have to sell that to every manager, because they are trying to get their people in the top, and the DCO has to approve it. Clearly when you were a manager, things were a bit more subjective and that is exactly why the field doesn't trust the process. Its very different now, I can assure you. Also, DCO's try to get with most people in the region during the year so they have an idea of their skill set, so if you try to pull a fast one, you get stomped by other managers and your DCO. Managers really take this process seriously
- at least on my team. We don't make deals, we don't scratch each others back because there are so few spaces at the top and we are trying to get our people there.
If you believe this sycophant I have a bridge to sell. Believe nothing they say.

Don't believe this for a moment. I was a manager for 20+ years and the actions described are bullshit. Deals are made between managers and for the most part the fix is in. I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine. Favorites are given the awards others get nothing.

Agreed, as a ctl I rank my reps months before the official meet n greet. It is fixed, managers sit in a room and talk shit about reps and conclude the day with steak dinners and booze with the entire exec team. We debate the troublemakers from the asskissers and share field ride stories, it's an outright great time. We laugh about the 10 page brag book reps put under My Accomplishments at the year end process. I don't even look at those, after all, you cannot list names, accounts, products and the sales data is all screwed up. So to the asskissers, you will be just fine and to the others, I may or may not represent you well depending on my meeting hangover. You see this is one big charade and the exec team pigeon holes each rep, i.e. the whiner, the workhorse, the asskissers, the old timer, the newbie, the hop around, the untouchables, the future pushouts and the about to jump ships. Enjoy your piddly payouts in March.

None. The sooner that you tear yourself away emotionally from Mother MRK the better off you will be mentally. Start looking now for something else (better if possible, or settle for worse and keep looking) while you wait for the severance package.
This is a serious response, coming from experience. I was a 20+ year employee at age 50 who got a "Significantly Below Expectations" (basically an "F") on one of my objectives that was traceable by actual metrics and I had performed over 250% of what was asked of me. The boss had the agenda to get rid of me and mgmt and HR did nothing when I took it to them. The only thing that I might have done differently is refuse to sign the YER form to force the situation.
Good luck to you. And don't look back.

None. The sooner that you tear yourself away emotionally from Mother MRK the better off you will be mentally. Start looking now for something else (better if possible, or settle for worse and keep looking) while you wait for the severance package.
This is a serious response, coming from experience. I was a 20+ year employee at age 50 who got a "Significantly Below Expectations" (basically an "F") on one of my objectives that was traceable by actual metrics and I had performed over 250% of what was asked of me. The boss had the agenda to get rid of me and mgmt and HR did nothing when I took it to them. The only thing that I might have done differently is refuse to sign the YER form to force the situation.
Good luck to you. And don't look back.

Merck is known for getting rid of their employees once they are 60 years old and some when they turn 55. Performance reviews of former award winning employees go to below expectations. The only thing I can say is Karma will get everyone in the end. Look around you and see how many of your counterparts have transferred to other positions or were forced out of their jobs. This goes for DCO's, CTL's, Account Execs, Reps, everyone. So save your money or move on to other companies who value your experience because Merck does not. They get rid of their presidents once they turn 65 no matter how great they are. Everyone is a number and everyone will never retire with this company.

Merck is known for getting rid of their employees once they are 60 years old and some when they turn 55. Performance reviews of former award winning employees go to below expectations. The only thing I can say is Karma will get everyone in the end. Look around you and see how many of your counterparts have transferred to other positions or were forced out of their jobs. This goes for DCO's, CTL's, Account Execs, Reps, everyone. So save your money or move on to other companies who value your experience because Merck does not. They get rid of their presidents once they turn 65 no matter how great they are. Everyone is a number and everyone will never retire with this company.
I enjoy conducting year end reviews, making the wenches cry, edgy newbies and aged dinosaurs. All done to enhance terminations.

Agreed, as a ctl I rank my reps months before the official meet n greet. It is fixed, managers sit in a room and talk shit about reps and conclude the day with steak dinners and booze with the entire exec team. We debate the troublemakers from the asskissers and share field ride stories, it's an outright great time. We laugh about the 10 page brag book reps put under My Accomplishments at the year end process. I don't even look at those, after all, you cannot list names, accounts, products and the sales data is all screwed up. So to the asskissers, you will be just fine and to the others, I may or may not represent you well depending on my meeting hangover. You see this is one big charade and the exec team pigeon holes each rep, i.e. the whiner, the workhorse, the asskissers, the old timer, the newbie, the hop around, the untouchables, the future pushouts and the about to jump ships. Enjoy your piddly payouts in March.

this is so true...everyone is pigeon holded or out in a bucket as to if they are kool--aid drinkers, kiss ass types, old timers, clueless newbies, untouchables etc...

the whole pharma sales thing is a total charade...if you don't see while you are in it, you will see it clearly when you are out...take the money while you can...It's practically free!! No other industry, (believe me on this one) pays people six figures to work part time bringing deli...

no one...

"executive team"
Are you fucking kidding? Take a look at the dickheads in any of those rooms and tell me what you see. Its all brown-nose, kiss ass, and act like you know more then the next guy. You fucking merck CTL's and above-you suck ass. You know it too. But then so does everyone else. hahaha...executive team. Yeah, right.

"executive team"
Are you fucking kidding? Take a look at the dickheads in any of those rooms and tell me what you see. Its all brown-nose, kiss ass, and act like you know more then the next guy. You fucking merck CTL's and above-you suck ass. You know it too. But then so does everyone else. hahaha...executive team. Yeah, right.

Ha, ha....Remember the Lead Executive team?

Skill Set????? Executive Team??? Look at Merck, they are a shell of themselves. Drink the Koolaid as all products go generic with no pipeline. But keep selling.

Lookie here, these phucks have no idea what they are doing during the YER. Here is what should be required from a ctl:

*Advanced degree, no online bullshit
*HQ experience, no bullshit special assignment fly back n forth for a few mos.
*Not hired directly from being a field rep.

You have turds given ctl spots now ranking their former peers, that's phucked up. Then you have the phucking LIFER ctl's who will never leave, they literally would have to commit murder to be shown the door. Phuck, turn the YER process over to a third party like our computer helpline.

Lookie here, these phucks have no idea what they are doing during the YER. Here is what should be required from a ctl:

*Advanced degree, no online bullshit
*HQ experience, no bullshit special assignment fly back n forth for a few mos.
*Not hired directly from being a field rep.

You have turds given ctl spots now ranking their former peers, that's phucked up. Then you have the phucking LIFER ctl's who will never leave, they literally would have to commit murder to be shown the door. Phuck, turn the YER process over to a third party like our computer helpline.
I am happy to report that my entire group of loosing reports are now in the bottom bucket going into the year end reviews. I can't wait to see the tears and hear the moaning. I so enjoy the activity.

I am happy to report that my entire group of loosing reports are now in the bottom bucket going into the year end reviews. I can't wait to see the tears and hear the moaning. I so enjoy the activity.

Sounds like your team gonna receive a Rear End Review. All the fuss over a chump change bonus target.

I am happy to report that my entire group of loosing reports are now in the bottom bucket going into the year end reviews. I can't wait to see the tears and hear the moaning. I so enjoy the activity.

I bet all your "loosing" reports know how to spell losing right?

You sound like a CTL who is a looser...or it is loser?