Yay pointless meeting while COVID soars!!


Love the braintrust at this worthless company. Get everyone in the country to fly to meetings for an absolutely pointless 24 hours (just because we haven’t seen each other in so long) while rates of COVID infections are at an ALL TIME HIGH. Never mind that no one knows who is vaccinated or not. Never mind that there is no business rationale at all to even have this meeting. And never mind most of this meeting is going to be virtual anyway. Oh and let’s have the south region meet in Tampa where they are actually out of beds at the local hospitals because of COVID. Morons run this place. Absolute clueless morons. Wonder how much lower our stock can go?

I am with you! Makes no sense to travel, and meet. Why would ANYONE actually care to do that? IF we really care about patients, then lets care about EMPLOYEES HEALTH FIRST. Do a virtual meeting to introduce the new marketing materials. We do not need to meet for 24 hours in person, waste money, and travel!!!! anyone listening????

I am with you! Makes no sense to travel, and meet. Why would ANYONE actually care to do that? IF we really care about patients, then lets care about EMPLOYEES HEALTH FIRST. Do a virtual meeting to introduce the new marketing materials. We do not need to meet for 24 hours in person, waste money, and travel!!!! anyone listening????

You are within your rights to do the meeting virtually if you don’t feel safe. Have the courage and take a stand and don’t be a coward like many are in Cafepharma. I can guarantee you that if you say no I will not attend live meeting because I don’t feel safe but instead I will opt to do virtually you will be fine. No one can force you with that type of language and if they do or try to strong arm you you will enjoy your day in court. Just to let you know people do care about our employees and we are in conversations about this subject. Don’t rush to judgment and if you haven’t got vaccinated please do so.

You are within your rights to do the meeting virtually if you don’t feel safe. Have the courage and take a stand and don’t be a coward like many are in Cafepharma. I can guarantee you that if you say no I will not attend live meeting because I don’t feel safe but instead I will opt to do virtually you will be fine. No one can force you with that type of language and if they do or try to strong arm you you will enjoy your day in court. Just to let you know people do care about our employees and we are in conversations about this subject. Don’t rush to judgment and if you haven’t got vaccinated please do so.

all you have to do is look at where they’re holding some of these meetings in Texas and Florida to see how little they care about employees and their families. Some of us have kids at home who are not able to be vaccinated. I’m supposed to get on an airplane and risk harming my little ones for a bs meeting that could easily be done on webex? They didn’t even give us the option to do this virtually. Florida has the highest daily number of infections to date! The highest since this pandemic started!! But let’s just act like everything is back to normal.
Pure evil people at the top of this company.

all you have to do is look at where they’re holding some of these meetings in Texas and Florida to see how little they care about employees and their families. Some of us have kids at home who are not able to be vaccinated. I’m supposed to get on an airplane and risk harming my little ones for a bs meeting that could easily be done on webex? They didn’t even give us the option to do this virtually. Florida has the highest daily number of infections to date! The highest since this pandemic started!! But let’s just act like everything is back to normal.
Pure evil people at the top of this company.

Just inform HR of your situation and I guarantee you that no retaliation will happen to you. Again no one is evil but I doubt I can convince you of this. I do have question question for you. Does this mean you can’t be out in the field either exposing yourself and family? Have you received vaccine? I believe many of the meeting locations were selected way before this became an issue so don’t blame Jerry, Linda, Vicki, Deryk, HR, Legal and RBDs. Again have the courage to say no I’m not F ing attending these meetings because it’s not safe for me and my family.. No one wants to harm you or your families. Please don’t generalize because it shows the level of maturity on your part.

A lot of things are happening to this country and people still seriously think this is a joke. Wear a mask and get vaccinated, it's as simple as that.
Delta and lambda can infect the vaccinated. Yes the person infected won’t get as sick but they are then carriers who can bring it home to unvaccinated children. Children are in the ICU more than ever now. So it’s not that simple is it?

Delta and lambda can infect the vaccinated. Yes the person infected won’t get as sick but they are then carriers who can bring it home to unvaccinated children. Children are in the ICU more than ever now. So it’s not that simple is it?

if you don’t want to attend meetings opt out and do virtually. Do you understand? But I am curious does that mean you are not working? Are you afraid daily interactions with your offices are putting your family at danger?

The individuals want the good old days where you don’t work, you got paid, bonus paid at target and binge watching Netflix.
You’re equating that with going to a pointless meeting during the height of this variant spreading. It’s not about opting out either, it’s about having to opt out and risk your job because the leaders of this company feel its perfectly okay to risk a meeting during this time. Everyone wants to get back to normal but the more people and companies do stupid sh*t like this the longer it will take to get back to normal. We are no where near normal right now. We’re closer to another lockdown than normal.

You’re equating that with going to a pointless meeting during the height of this variant spreading. It’s not about opting out either, it’s about having to opt out and risk your job because the leaders of this company feel its perfectly okay to risk a meeting during this time. Everyone wants to get back to normal but the more people and companies do stupid sh*t like this the longer it will take to get back to normal. We are no where near normal right now. We’re closer to another lockdown than normal.

If you opt out no harm will come to you guaranteed. What part of that don’t you understand?

If you opt out no harm will come to you guaranteed. What part of that don’t you understand?
I’m going to need Intercept to put that language in an official company communication so that it can be evidence rather than listen to some D-bag on cafepharma telling me “no harm will come to you”. You must be a special kind of stupid.

I’m going to need Intercept to put that language in an official company communication so that it can be evidence rather than listen to some D-bag on cafepharma telling me “no harm will come to you”. You must be a special kind of stupid.

D-bag and special type of stupid comments are deserved. Language will be coming soon. In the meantime go get vaccinated if you haven’t done so.

You already know Deryk David could give a shit about any of you personally, and Intercept showed bad judgement from the beginning of Covid by hosting an event in Philly that resulted in multiple people being infected. I know first hand that some our vendors and contractors were also infected as a result because Intercept leadership chose not to formally contract trace and notify. Nothing has or ever will change.

to leadership: you are all asshole hacks.

You already know Deryk David could give a shit about any of you personally, and Intercept showed bad judgement from the beginning of Covid by hosting an event in Philly that resulted in multiple people being infected. I know first hand that some our vendors and contractors were also infected as a result because Intercept leadership chose not to formally contract trace and notify. Nothing has or ever will change.
to leadership: you are all asshole hacks.

F U! You are once again wrong. We are glad you are no longer with us.