Xray Andrews

Finally got the ax

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Ray's new boss is scratching his head, thinking, "What's Ray hiding from? Two LinkedIn vanishing acts in a year! First, he goes Houdini on his real-name account, then pops up with a new name and alias, only to pull a disappearing act again. Is he auditioning for a LinkedIn magic show or what?"

Ray's vanishing act post-termination from Janssen could've sparked a mini detective series. His LinkedIn ghosting act had us all channeling our inner Sherlocks, but his bold comeback under a new alias? That's some prime-time plot twist material right there.

X-Ray do you often get nervous that your area VP job, $400K a year with Komodo Health is nearing an end? Falsification and exposure are the worst for a guy like you. However, believe in God and the truth always shines through. Karma!

This is actually a very encouraging post. Maybe karma is finally catching him. He destroyed so many lives within J&J and the West Region he tried to manage. He was very manipulating, intimidating, narcissistic and flat out evil human being. I truly hope and pray Komodo comes to their senses and fires this guy.

The time off? Just a brief, paid escapade. Perfect for crafting my next alter ego. I'll have to come up with a clever new name and backstory to fit in for the next job. Maybe I'll be a former salesman turned tech guru, or a high powered executive taking some time off to "find myself". The possibilities are endless.

It’s sad to see you all consumed by me. You all know you can’t say any of this to my face. I would crush you like a bug. All you sissies were weak anyway. As for my situation, I have wealth. I made plenty of money where I don’t need the work. Unlike you

It’s sad to see you all consumed by me. You all know you can’t say any of this to my face. I would crush you like a bug. All you sissies were weak anyway. As for my situation, I have wealth. I made plenty of money where I don’t need the work. Unlike you

Since you're off the grid, deep undercover in a merry-go-round of aliases, meeting you face to face is off the table! Catching a glimpse of a X-Ray is like finding a unicorn in the wild.