Xiidra reps fired for performance already?

You better hope the NBU reps don't leave... who do you think pays your salary? This 10 year old, $2 billion and growing medication. We don't mix well with other divisions? We built this company, so you're welcome for your job. You clearly know nothing. We do have new meds to sell. We have year after year after year. The patent life was ridiculously long with Vyvanse and it's amazing so that's why it's still relevant. Try doing a little research before you post such an asinine comment.

There is a warehouse in Dublin filled with monkeys being trained to be NBU reps. Should take a few weeks to get them ready.

There is a warehouse in Dublin filled with monkeys being trained to be NBU reps. Should take a few weeks to get them ready.

I wonder what medications you've sold that have reached $2 billion. If a "trained monkey" could do it, then I guess it should be fairly easy right? So you've probably done it with quite a few meds since you sound so confident that it's just so easy to do....

You better hope the NBU reps don't leave... who do you think pays your salary? This 10 year old, $2 billion and growing medication. We don't mix well with other divisions? We built this company, so you're welcome for your job. You clearly know nothing. We do have new meds to sell. We have year after year after year. The patent life was ridiculously long with Vyvanse and it's amazing so that's why it's still relevant. Try doing a little research before you post such an asinine comment.