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Xeljanz Turnover at Highest Level Ever

Just wait until the Fall with Biogen & Amgen expansion. Those 100 reps and 20 DMs who posted for Gilead in Jan will all be gone by the Fall.
Only the new reps hired in expansion & the ones 55 who want to retire will be left.

don’t let the door hit them in the as$ on the way out, if they don’t want to be here get out

don’t let the door hit them in the as$ on the way out, if they don’t want to be here get out
Skippy thats what it looks like with 70% management and 55% Xeljanz reps posting on company websites. Door will not hit their soon to be rich a$$ on the way out because it is an avalanche that is going on.
The strong seek higher ground while the weak fools perish into the LOE abyss. Good luck to you with Fall layoffs & 36months LOE collapse of the division like Pfizer did with bigger 1 drug divisions that created lot more money than Xeljanz but when LOE came the entire division was collapse due to no pipeline backfill.
Psych. ($3 Bill yr)
Neuro ($4 Bill yr)
Ophthalmology ($4 Bill yr)
AI. ($2 Bill yr)
Xeljanz ($2 Bill yr)
It is a Pfizer historical model with Big 1 Drug Divisions & no pipeline after LOE. Same pattern, history, model, & consulting group to advise.
Enjoy that avalanche while the strong & smart enjoy banking millions the next 10yrs w Biotechs.
(You think their is a reason Ian now Albert changed our title to BIO-PHARMA saying want to be smaller & more flat and nibble like Biotech companies??????)
Skippy your a fool or blind to business

Only will get worse with Biogen hiring 300 reps.
And Novo's expansion.
BUT might be good timing for ALL given I&I has way too many Xeljanz reps and Derm doesnt make any money w 300 reps.
So downsizing is coming soon & this will all take care of it self on both sides

What do you expect from that leadership & culture. That is why many of us bolted 1st chance to Oncology! Recommend same for remaining good Xeljanz reps . Much better on this side, day & night difference. Or promote to Biotech.

What do you expect from that leadership & culture. That is why many of us bolted 1st chance to Oncology! Recommend same for remaining good Xeljanz reps . Much better on this side, day & night difference. Or promote to Biotech.

Best reps always bolt first with the lazziest hanger oners waiting to see what happens to them. Leadership doesnt give a snap who leaves because they are CLUELESS. Poor leadership is the #1 reason employees leave. Need I say more?

Only the beginning w VP Jeff telling us we should look for a higher paying job.
Wait until Virus is over and companies start hiring next year. Over half the reps were looking before his comments, now the other half started looking

I can not agree more with most comments on this thread. What was once a great culture with an Elite reputation in the company as being one of Top divisions along w Oncology to work for is now viewed as just a Primary Care division because of
1) Derm VP influence w their PC Bus Mofel/thinking

2) 3 RDs who basically are tactical at best just YES men following a marching orders with 2 RDs mainly Primary Care check the box guys

3) Pres who has not managed anything bigger than the business in Boise . We have territories that do more yearly business than she had in any country she managed. Also, she has not been in a position long enough to learn any depth of skills (bio new pos every couple years entire career )

4) VP who is more out of his role than anybody in Corp America period. He is a system guy from manufacturing & marketing.

5) A Top Down driven business model focus on marketing not science like Abbvie. That is basically entire Pfizer now-- a marketing co not a science co.

6) Global Pres & COO CFO have not bolster the pipeline lacking strategic vision for Xeljanz LOE in 48 months... generic 5mg already being made w XR being challenged in courts across the globe

7) The leadership might do a dog & pony mirage show with smoke & mirrors a couple times a year at NSM or POA, but 90% rest time they treat employees like an employee # not like a value member of a family contributing to BILLIONS a yr for the company. Prior to the expansion w 10 DMs 110 reps, it was more intimate & collavragiv3 valued division--- opposite now.

8) WAY TOO MANY REPS. The 120-150 double expansion was POOR insights & expectation of GI being 1 billion a yr---- NOT. And the physician access is horrendous. So GI was never going be big. Then the Black Box last line 7th agent before surgery happened so no need for 120 reps we hired.... territories w 2 reps calling on less than 150 docs is ridiculous ! Most have less than 100 with some 60-70 only 15 offices.. It is a laughing joke in the field that Lotz & Richard can be so stupid do what is actually going on paying 300k per territory to literally call on 25-30 offices top.

Skippy thats what it looks like with 70% management and 55% Xeljanz reps posting on company websites. Door will not hit their soon to be rich a$$ on the way out because it is an avalanche that is going on.
The strong seek higher ground while the weak fools perish into the LOE abyss. Good luck to you with Fall layoffs & 36months LOE collapse of the division like Pfizer did with bigger 1 drug divisions that created lot more money than Xeljanz but when LOE came the entire division was collapse due to no pipeline backfill.
Psych. ($3 Bill yr)
Neuro ($4 Bill yr)
Ophthalmology ($4 Bill yr)
AI. ($2 Bill yr)
Xeljanz ($2 Bill yr)
It is a Pfizer historical model with Big 1 Drug Divisions & no pipeline after LOE. Same pattern, history, model, & consulting group to advise.
Enjoy that avalanche while the strong & smart enjoy banking millions the next 10yrs w Biotechs.
(You think their is a reason Ian now Albert changed our title to BIO-PHARMA saying want to be smaller & more flat and nibble like Biotech companies??????)
Skippy your a fool or blind to business
Brilliant historical insight .
Same model repeat every few yrs.
Spot on with 1 billion yr 1 product divisions of the past. Throw in way rep top heavy & slam dunk layoff & probably LOE collaspe.

When the 50% cuts come in Jan, this mass exit will benefit both Pfizer & the reps so all good.
Dont understand why narcissistic Lotz giving himself a snuggy over reps trying to bail asap & posting for everything available internal & external. After all he told us to basically find a place to jump ship and it also helps on the downsizing in 2021.
He just emotional because it is not on his own terms & reps are smart to call his hand & look at other companies our our "kids financial security" .
He is a little unstable. Maybe cut down on the crown & JD on rocks might help him chill the hell out.

Tell your VP to settle down & not get his panties in a wad! Even though 100 reps or 120 150 whatever is being recorded online postings with other companies, most do NOT want many Xeljanz reps.
First of all only half are experienced enough as most your Salesforce is new the past 2yrs
2nd of those good ones, we are screening the 100s of applications & just focusing on 10% or 8-10 reps.
That is it.
So calm down, go drink you hard liquor on the rocks & worry about Renvoq kicking your ass to the curb & taking your share at will.
You have a lot bigger worries & problems than loosing a couple reps. Start with your Culture & why 50% reps & 75% DMs are posting for other jobs- external and internal. You created a Primary Care mess

- VP , Pres
- Marketing driven by calls calls calls calls
- Internal Medicine business model
- Upper mgt looking for other jobs cuz not enjoying working w VP or his attitude, ego or culture
- division is Dead in the water w Renvoq
- talent is watered down to foundational

- VP , Pres
- Marketing driven by calls calls calls calls
- Internal Medicine business model
- Upper mgt looking for other jobs cuz not enjoying working w VP or his attitude, ego or culture
- division is Dead in the water w Renvoq
- talent is watered down to foundational
As many DMs, RDs, Brand , HQ Xeljanz people looking to bolt Forest Gump style as there are reps jumping ship.

As many DMs, RDs, Brand , HQ Xeljanz people looking to bolt Forest Gump style as there are reps jumping ship.
You dont know the half it girl friend!
-The entire brand team had turned over at least 2x since launch.
- existing brand team was actively looking internal & external before covid19
- Upper management was also looking to bolt the brand
- DMs have bolted and rest are actively looking (hell 17 or 26 posted online for Biogen's expansion)
- a few dozen reps of 265 have left the past year with most actively looking.

Summary I&I both Xeljanz & Derm is not a place to be stable nor a place that people of all levels want to be. The decisions, culture, attitude are just poor.