Xeljanz now increased chance of death due to PE!

Not your crap. Are you taking X?
Everything is an overreaction to the company but not the patient. If I were taking this crap, I’d be concerned, and would flush it.

Another hysterical moron who would throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I'm guessing that you have no problem throwing the baby out with the placenta, I.e. abortions, yet act like you care about patients.

Another hysterical moron who would throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I'm guessing that you have no problem throwing the baby out with the placenta, I.e. abortions, yet act like you care about patients.

Fuck you and the horse you ride in on.
You’re just another kool aid drinking dolt of Pfizer, the hemmoroid in the ass of Pharma.
STFU until you have something intelligent to say..... which will be never.

Fuck you and the horse you ride in on.
You’re just another kool aid drinking dolt of Pfizer, the hemmoroid in the ass of Pharma.
STFU until you have something intelligent to say..... which will be never.

Nailed it! You are an hysterical moron. Such a hater, too. Do you kiss your aborted babies with that mouth?

You demand intelligence? You just got the best analysis of you you'll ever get. Learn from it.

I also gave you many intelligent points in prior posts, yet you just spew vitriol when it proves you wrong. Maybe you should "STFU", until you learn how to be a reasonable and intelligent adult?

You don't can an effective medicine just because it may harm unaborted people at extremely high doses. Let that sink in, again.

Nailed it! You are an hysterical moron. Such a hater, too. Do you kiss your aborted babies with that mouth?

You demand intelligence? You just got the best analysis of you you'll ever get. Learn from it.

I also gave you many intelligent points in prior posts, yet you just spew vitriol when it proves you wrong. Maybe you should "STFU", until you learn how to be a reasonable and intelligent adult?

You don't can an effective medicine just because it may harm unaborted people at extremely high doses. Let that sink in, again.

Pfizerbot, aka moron.

Pfizerbot, aka moron.

If you only knew how much I despise Pfizer.....

As for your name calling when someone kicks your ass intellectually in an argument, you have light years to go.

Maybe you should sit back and learn from others instead of posting your angry blather and hatred? I'm serious about this. I feel bad for you. Here's a tip...go to YouTube and watch Dr. Jordan Peterson's videos. They are worth it, every second. And......you're welcome.

If you only knew how much I despise Pfizer.....

As for your name calling when someone kicks your ass intellectually in an argument, you have light years to go.

Maybe you should sit back and learn from others instead of posting your angry blather and hatred? I'm serious about this. I feel bad for you. Here's a tip...go to YouTube and watch Dr. Jordan Peterson's videos. They are worth it, every second. And......you're welcome.

If you only knew how much I despise Pfizer.....

As for your name calling when someone kicks your ass intellectually in an argument, you have light years to go.

Maybe you should sit back and learn from others instead of posting your angry blather and hatred? I'm serious about this. I feel bad for you. Here's a tip...go to YouTube and watch Dr. Jordan Peterson's videos. They are worth it, every second. And......you're welcome.

If you only knew how much I despise Pfizer.....

As for your name calling when someone kicks your ass intellectually in an argument, you have light years to go.

Maybe you should sit back and learn from others instead of posting your angry blather and hatred? I'm serious about this. I feel bad for you. Here's a tip...go to YouTube and watch Dr. Jordan Peterson's videos. They are worth it, every second. And......you're welcome.

If you only knew how much I despise Pfizer.....

As for your name calling when someone kicks your ass intellectually in an argument, you have light years to go.

Maybe you should sit back and learn from others instead of posting your angry blather and hatred? I'm serious about this. I feel bad for you. Here's a tip...go to YouTube and watch Dr. Jordan Peterson's videos. They are worth it, every second. And......you're welcome.

Intellectually? Hahahahaha! Please, you and the rest of your pseudo intellectuals are nothing more than morons in masks.
Learn from others? I am the teacher, and you and dolts like you have nothing to teach.
If you represent what listening to the quacks you reference....NO THANKS.

Intellectually? Hahahahaha! Please, you and the rest of your pseudo intellectuals are nothing more than morons in masks.
Learn from others? I am the teacher, and you and dolts like you have nothing to teach.
If you represent what listening to the quacks you reference....NO THANKS.

Typical response. All hate and no substance. You're HOPELESS.