I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Now is the time to have you and any insured dependants get their eye exams and glasses, get dental exams and any repairs made, punch out any medical exams, tests, lab work, get 90 day prescriptions filled, load up on office supplies and submit expense reports on a timely basis. This contract could be shut down at any time and you should exercise your benefits while you still have them.
This contract may turn out to be a classic example of why pharmaceutical companies should never hire and train a sales force until a drug is formally approved and the launch is ensured.Prepare yourself for any eventuality. This is a relatively small spinoff startup and the branded division is a one trick pony in the near term. With Exalgo soon to go generic, there simply is not enough Pennsaid business to justify the currently sized sales force if Xartemis XR gets shot down. You need a huge tolerance level for ambiguity, uncertainty and vagueness in order to hang with this contract. I hope it pans out for everybody with a stake in it. Good luck!