Xartemis XR FDA Approval

Do the math. PDUFA date Feb 28. Probably approved after market closed. Town Hall Monday afternoon. Doing last module this week. Review of that module next Friday, just before meeting starts on Monday.

Is that good timing, or what?

Do the math. PDUFA date Feb 28. Probably approved after market closed. Town Hall Monday afternoon. Doing last module this week. Review of that module next Friday, just before meeting starts on Monday.

Is that good timing, or what?

Ventiv Rep here, why bother reading the new module if we are not sure if we will be around on monday

A lot of people have so much at stake in this corporate roll of the dice. If it doesn't come up 7's look for layoffs, a cancelled Ventiv contract and a major tumble in the stock price. Let's hope for the best.