Xartemis = Percocet XR

Xartemis is the typical non-innovative Malinkrodt drug. Look up Magnacet and see how successful that one was. Xartemis will go by the wayside in 3 years, guaranteed! This company is a joke!

the tone of conference call was unprofessional.
not even a "good morning" ? basic manners should apply to leadership.

while it was a serious issue no reason for flat out rudeness.

Do you babies even work for Mallinckrodt?
I am going to sell the shit out of this great product. All I need is a tiny bit of managed care coverage and a coupon that can mitigate, to some extent, the out-of-pocket cost.
This is HUGE. Unique! "…fear of acetaminophen overdose." You're kidding, right? If not, then you are in the wrong field. Consider taking care of puppies at the shelter.

I don't work for the loser company, Mallinckrodt, if simply because of its' creepy raunchy name; sounds like crotch rot, produces crotch rot, must be crotch rot. You would have to be either a rotten crotch to work here, or an unsuspecting desperate fool needing a temp job. Chronic pain is often treated by products sans APAP while acute pain is treated with SAOs that may be combo opioids and APAP. Providers are moving away from APAP because of liver toxicity but will consider it at either low doses or in an acute dosing setting. Cost is an ever growing factor and is rapidly the deciding ground of which prescriptions are filled and which are not. The only thing "tiny bit" about you is your brains.

You can rag on Mallinckrodt all you want to, but they're doing something right. They have been in business almost a hundred and fifty years. Sorry you got passed over. You obviously didn't get an offer. The reason could be that you don't know squat about treating pain. Maybe the interviewing managers figured that out.

Xartemis is the typical non-innovative Malinkrodt drug. Look up Magnacet and see how successful that one was. Xartemis will go by the wayside in 3 years, guaranteed! This company is a joke!

Magnacet...2007, I believe? That was a complete and total cluster. And then there was Tussicaps...do you guy sell that still? Posters are right about docs not writing reformulated drugs and ones where the main compound has been generic for years. I left a few years back but seems like nothing has changed and has only gotten worse. The company rocked 10 years ago but started it's down spiral about four years ago.

Magnacet...2007, I believe? That was a complete and total cluster. And then there was Tussicaps...do you guy sell that still? Posters are right about docs not writing reformulated drugs and ones where the main compound has been generic for years. I left a few years back but seems like nothing has changed and has only gotten worse. The company rocked 10 years ago but started it's down spiral about four years ago.

You have to be kidding. Tussicaps was a major improvement over selling a branded sleep aid when the other doses were generic, and a tricyclic AD attached to a different salt. Believe me, I have done my research on this company.

You can rag on Mallinckrodt all you want to, but they're doing something right. They have been in business almost a hundred and fifty years. Sorry you got passed over. You obviously didn't get an offer. The reason could be that you don't know squat about treating pain. Maybe the interviewing managers figured that out.

Yes I do know "squat" about the pain market. I've been in the market for several years. The "new" Mallinckrodt is less than a year old with a messed up leadership team. Many of us can see the writing on the wall and do not drink the Mallinkrodt poisonous Kool-aid.just keep your head in the sand and keep drinking!!

Instead of spending money on narcotics, they should be spending money and research on nonnarcotic agents. The medical community wants to reduce narcotic usage and this new agent is nothing more than a percocet. Nothing more.