WTH is Lilly looking for?????

Probably someone new that they can con easier.

Spot on. Someone who will believe the following:

1. We only hire the best.

2. We don't lay anyone off.

3. We hire you for a career, not just a job.

4. You will only leave Lilly after you are a millionaire.

The list goes on and on. It takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few years to debunk each "core value" --- I pity the current and future FDEs.

to original poster: I interviewed for an internal job, met all the criteria to a t, had current solid relationships, cell phone numbers in my phone of those I'd be calling on etc, and still did not get position. Was told that I was the perfect candidate and then, landblasted. You never know. I have to believe that the person that received the job was a better fit than me. Do I really believe that.....well no, but I have to believe that there will be another better opportunity around the corner. Hang in there...your opportunity is out there. It just may take a little longer to find it.

to original poster: I interviewed for an internal job, met all the criteria to a t, had current solid relationships, cell phone numbers in my phone of those I'd be calling on etc, and still did not get position. Was told that I was the perfect candidate and then, landblasted. You never know. I have to believe that the person that received the job was a better fit than me. Do I really believe that.....well no, but I have to believe that there will be another better opportunity around the corner. Hang in there...your opportunity is out there. It just may take a little longer to find it.

Meanwhile maintain your perfect physique and don't increase your age.
Don't wear glasses on interviews (nor contact lenses). just go without any eyewear.
Weak eyes are not strength values (atleast you get in)[need to practice it for 2-3 days to make sure you can walk without hitting walls and curbs).
Preverication is a virtue that will be highlighted by several questions.

I hear ya...really, I do. But the problem is I have no freakin income. Anything is better than zero. I am beginning to think that Lilly won't hire the unemployed or laid off out of fear for why they were laid off. Thing is, I have a superb track record (seriously..no blowing smoke here) and was laid off because of where I live. Period. My plan was to take this Lilly gig and since it was FDE I would start looking around as soon as training was over. So, I know what you all are saying about being glad....but my banker might think otherwise.

get away from pharma try medtronics good company