
Easy people.... Slinging random diragitory comments won't change the fact of what happened. Not our fault whether in sales or home office. We all have value no matter what role we played. Fault lies in a handful of people who couldn't manage a checkbook let a lone a company. Move on, cut your losses and live the only life you have been given how you see fit not how others who happened to have paid you for a service. Easier said then done but in the whole scheme of life it's just a bump in the road. If you need drama continue to post garbage posts for your own self fulfillment.......

amen, brother....

Hey Mike---you can still lie with the best of dem

nice cut n paste

if it was so valuable why couldn't you sell it on your watch

$10M revenue and $14M in expenses = Fool

news flash
you will never validate your current worthless test

Hey Mike---you can still lie with the best of dem

nice cut n paste

if it was so valuable why couldn't you sell it on your watch

$10M revenue and $14M in expenses = Fool

news flash
you will never validate your current worthless test

Who's the fool??? You think Mullen is the only one out there who can cut and paste? Lol!

I suppose the ignorance of your post shows how clueless and out of the loop you are.

Haters gonna hate. Let's see who and what's more worthless in the next few months, you or Mullen's test.

"Talk, talk, talk: The utter and heartbreaking stupidity of words."
-William Faulkner

Hey Mike---you can still lie with the best of dem

nice cut n paste

if it was so valuable why couldn't you sell it on your watch

$10M revenue and $14M in expenses = Fool

news flash
you will never validate your current worthless test

Oops...looks like even more people know how to cut and paste :))))

Several historical material facts not quite right, but directionally accurate. Probably quoted by an ex-lawyer now marketing exec who's jeans are way too tight...just saying.

I'd hate to break it to you but life is about choices. If you chose to stay with the company until the end then you only have yourself to blame. You also chose to do a job besides sales. That's not our fault. There were flares for all of 2015 and 2016 which were nothing short of an uncontrolled forest fire. I'm sorry, but if you were that worried and cared that much about your families you should have been looking for another gig a long time ago. You have no one to blame if you put all of your eggs in this sh*thole basket.
Not trying to be insensitive but this situation has been bad for everyone. Sales included.
You're also complaining about sales in the wrong forum. Cafe pharma is a sales forum. I always find it interesting when non-sales people sneak on here and then seem appalled by our discussions. Perhaps you try and look for Cafe Customer Service or Phleb Talk Today.
We talk about issues that relate to us. The sales force is incentive and money driven and when those things are taken away, we will complain about it. Sorry, it's the way we are wired. Voice your opinion all you want and trash sales but sales worked their asses off so you would have a job and you could feed your families and pay your bills. Sales is not easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

Do you really think sales is to blame for this abortion? I've been in sales a long time and you are naive if you think this many sales people left other jobs to come here and fail. Or if this many successful sales people proven at Atherotech all of sudden sucked at their jobs the next year.
Blame the changes in the billing polices that I highly suspect were never mandated by the OIG or DOJ. The executives simply over promised and underdelivered and overstated the importance of our technology in the industry. They priced it one way which was growing business and then thought that the demand would still be there with pricing changes. Capitalism at it's best. Greed at it's worst! Once the sales revenue diminished, they panicked and after multiple billing changes we lost the trust of our clients. There are still plenty of labs out in the industry that never balance bill the patients or still cap the cost to the patient. You don't see the DOJ or OIG going after everyone else.

Good luck to you non-sales people in here. Time to fill out that application, polish up that resume, get that cocksuker ready or start shaving privates. Sometimes you just gotta what you have to do to keep the lights on!

You are right.

One of the happiest days of my life to hear that Atherotech finally folded. Glad I got out years ago. The reason for your company's demise was allowing a few power hungry assholes, namely Rod VanWaggoner, Scott Rezek, James Straza and Mike Mullen run your pos company. I don't feel sorry for any of you.

While all you pissed off sales people that made the big bucks are sitting around pointing fingers and name calling like a bunch of 12 year olds, the rest of the company ie phlebotomists, supervisors, managers, billing, customer service, are trying to figure out how we are going to keep our houses, feed our families, pay our electric and gas bills. You are the most immature group of adults I have ever seen. Get over it and shut your cocksuckers. So what, you can't go to Italy. Some of us will be lucky to be able to go to the grocery. Cocksuckers.

While all you pissed off sales people that made the big bucks are sitting around pointing fingers and name calling like a bunch of 12 year olds, the rest of the company ie phlebotomists, supervisors, managers, billing, customer service, are trying to figure out how we are going to keep our houses, feed our families, pay our electric and gas bills. You are the most immature group of adults I have ever seen. Get over it and shut your cocksuckers. So what, you can't go to Italy. Some of us will be lucky to be able to go to the grocery. Cocksuckers.

One of the happiest days of my life to hear that Atherotech finally folded. Glad I got out years ago. The reason for your company's demise was allowing a few power hungry assholes, namely Rod VanWaggoner, Scott Rezek, James Straza and Mike Mullen run your pos company. I don't feel sorry for any of you.

I'm quite sure one of the happiest days of their lives was the day you got out of Atherotech years ago. I'm sure you're super successful now. Lmao.

One of the happiest days of my life to hear that Atherotech finally folded. Glad I got out years ago. The reason for your company's demise was allowing a few power hungry assholes, namely Rod VanWaggoner, Scott Rezek, James Straza and Mike Mullen run your pos company. I don't feel sorry for any of you.
Greg is still angry for being fired.

While all you pissed off sales people that made the big bucks are sitting around pointing fingers and name calling like a bunch of 12 year olds, the rest of the company ie phlebotomists, supervisors, managers, billing, customer service, are trying to figure out how we are going to keep our houses, feed our families, pay our electric and gas bills. You are the most immature group of adults I have ever seen. Get over it and shut your cocksuckers. So what, you can't go to Italy. Some of us will be lucky to be able to go to the grocery. Cocksuckers.

We aren't pissed. We've been accepting offers all week long. Because we are educated and experienced. You might want get some self help books and try to be like us. Off to celebrate my new venture..

Wow looks like Jim is posting! Guys he is on this and reading his reviews! So funny he is bashing guys that left 14 months ago when the company was like 300 or 400 employees

News flash: jim had his boy call JR to rally the troops as he tried to buy back Atherocrap on the cheap and all the sales managers said never will they work for jimbo the liar and news flash 2= CP is now finally stopped spitting stupid pom poms and saying jimbo is a liar and a fool

He has lost the only things he cared about which is his beloved sales and marketing and his trips and his money he needs

He had a few lower level marketing and sales people who kept their jobs through assmosis (process of rising the ranks by sucking up to superiors) and they now discard him because they see where that got them

Wow looks like Jim is posting! Guys he is on this and reading his reviews! So funny he is bashing guys that left 14 months ago when the company was like 300 or 400 employees

News flash: jim had his boy call JR to rally the troops as he tried to buy back Atherocrap on the cheap and all the sales managers said never will they work for jimbo the liar and news flash 2= CP is now finally stopped spitting stupid pom poms and saying jimbo is a liar and a fool

He has lost the only things he cared about which is his beloved sales and marketing and his trips and his money he needs

He had a few lower level marketing and sales people who kept their jobs through assmosis (process of rising the ranks by sucking up to superiors) and they now discard him because they see where that got them

Jimmy the liar or Jimmy the criar? More proof he is reading this and responding is that article by fortune. He has the be the "company representative" because only he would know those details and only he would say he came onboard mid 2015 and made cuts trying to save the company. Ask anyone in accounting if you can find them and they will tell you he came end of 2014 and burned cash like there was no tomorrow. Jimbo the liar and cryer got his no tomorrow.

That article blames owners and banks and the market. It doesn't blame the CEO driving the entire company spending spree

Wow looks like Jim is posting! Guys he is on this and reading his reviews! So funny he is bashing guys that left 14 months ago when the company was like 300 or 400 employees

News flash: jim had his boy call JR to rally the troops as he tried to buy back Atherocrap on the cheap and all the sales managers said never will they work for jimbo the liar and news flash 2= CP is now finally stopped spitting stupid pom poms and saying jimbo is a liar and a fool

He has lost the only things he cared about which is his beloved sales and marketing and his trips and his money he needs

He had a few lower level marketing and sales people who kept their jobs through assmosis (process of rising the ranks by sucking up to superiors) and they now discard him because they see where that got them
. Narcissism at its worst. "I had nothing to do with this, I was just the CEO. I will just find a money backer, and continue with my plan to be the fifth largest lab. I have followers".

At the end of the day the dude wasn't backed by the banks or the slimy board. No emotional intelligence. Good people bailed, and very few trusted, yet jimmy thought the whole time everything was peachy.