Wow! ISRG will plunge

Interesting find. Just out of curiosity, how did you find this out? If David is VP of BD, I would imagine Brian's recommendations on ISI stock are more valid, no? If he has insider info, he perhaps knows things that the average employee or investor doesn't. Do you think he would promote it strictly b/c his brother works there? That's risky, as I'm sure many may already know the relationship btw the

The ISI employee trading window closed on 12/15 so David can't sell off his shares til late Jan. Brian is doing him a favor and propping up the price til then. Don't you find it strange that the Fool puts out positive articles everyday?

25% growth in procedures... which is the key metric.

Sorry haters, today is not your day.

You're so pathetic. Answer me this: how many people on your team hit their quota? I had 1 out of 5. And there were a lot reds within my area.

We bust our *sses, to barely come close to hitting our number, yet the company reaps the reward and pays us nicely (but not nearly a worthy share of the reward). Yes, we get options. But most are at $545.

Yes, hooray, we crushed it again. But I'll be damned if someone tries to tell me this place is awesome again.

Great work CSR's. I feel bad for many of you, options priced at 545...OUCH. At least back in the day we got 3 or 4 times as many options than most of you that were hired over the past 2 years and our options were priced at $113

Keep up the good work, a couple of more years of performances like this quarter and I'll definitely be able to retire! :)

Pretty good article in that it accounts for all of the reasons why ISI's growth is unsustainable, and built upon strong arm sales tactics and marketing hype rather than clinical need. The line about daVinci being "a solution looking for a problem" is perfect. That said, except for the details on pending legal action, there is nothing in this report that anyone who works in the OR couldn't have told you.

I feel bad for all the reps who left good jobs during the recent ISI hiring frenzy. Bad news...

Looks like today's earnings report disagrees with you.

I don't work at ISI. I'm simply an investor who owns a lot of shares. My initial purchase price was $20 a share.

I'm sure you are paid quite nicely. It amazes me you folks can complain about a 150-200k salary. Give me a break. "so pathetic".

You're so pathetic. Answer me this: how many people on your team hit their quota? I had 1 out of 5. And there were a lot reds within my area.

We bust our *sses, to barely come close to hitting our number, yet the company reaps the reward and pays us nicely (but not nearly a worthy share of the reward). Yes, we get options. But most are at $545.

Yes, hooray, we crushed it again. But I'll be damned if someone tries to tell me this place is awesome again.

You're so pathetic. Answer me this: how many people on your team hit their quota? I had 1 out of 5. And there were a lot reds within my area.

We bust our *sses, to barely come close to hitting our number, yet the company reaps the reward and pays us nicely (but not nearly a worthy share of the reward). Yes, we get options. But most are at $545.

Yes, hooray, we crushed it again. But I'll be damned if someone tries to tell me this place is awesome again.

The SEC needs to audit this company. Something doesn't add up ISI doesnt publish the actual # of procedures performed, just sales. No one is hitting their numbers and somehow they grew 25%? No one can prove the procedure volume grew. The manufacturing facility also isn't expanding. I remember on my line tour there was no empty space. Where are they expanding?

"Where are they expanding"?

in the celings of hospitals, oh never mind, that was the alleged tactic of many of the guys who started here early on. I lasted here for 3 years but wised up when I realized obama's task force would zero in on this fad as it lacks any cost savings or substantial benefit in GYN, GS, etc

Must feel good to sell something no one outside of the Cysto suite/OR needs(called selling your soul)