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WOW...According to this article looks like over 1,600 of us.

The 1600 is to include R&D, admin, manufacturing, sales, etc. It's not just sales...remember, this is a big company and there's more to it than just the folks in sales.

Hey dumbasses.... While we may lose some legacy Pfizer reps, King reps/managers will take a bigger hit and King admin/office types are long gone. The biggest cuts will be amongst desk jockeys and the like. Pretty much 100% gone.

Take off the blinders folks. It's a big company.

Author is a writing a blog, pull up many of his older articles, he is flat out wrong most of the time. Are we still getting the shaft from management that can get it all wrong and still make millions, sure. Remember, 90% of the web, cafe pharma, and what Pfizer tells you is BS.