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Dm here. Just got my list on email....wow :(

Congrats on getting a great job with the same salary. This is not the norm. Simple supply and demand. You prob weren't layed off either. That makes things more difficult. Bragging is lame. Stick it out people and do what you really wanted to do. Noone can say they really want to do pharma sales anymore.

Believe me, don't believe me....whatever....I left Pfizer making 113K and got picked up in less than two weeks at 115.....and 2 years later I'm now over 120K base! It really CAN happen! It's those of you who think that it "can't" that will be posting on here 2 years from now still whining about it all and blaming the "economy"!

You got lucky. Of course it CAN happen, but the likelihood is very low. Three years ago, there were 170K pharma reps, today there are around 100K reps, and dropping (just look at the pfizer layoffs, and many more planned). This means that at least 40% of reps that are laid off dont even stand a chance of getting back into this industry. We also all know that the pharma rep position is not really a sales position, and that there are not marketable skills that justify high salaries doing anything else, especially in this economy. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of those aid off, will be lucky to find a job at even 1/3 what they are currently making. Especially if you dont live in or around a top 5 city, your lives are about to change dramatically. Houses will foreclose, bankruptcies will occur, wives who have never worked, will start waiting tables, maybe 20-30% of those layed off will land something else within6-12 months. The rest will have their lives cjanged forever!! This is reality! This is truth!

Its one thing to encourage people, it another thing to give unrealistic expectations by blowing smoke up their butts.

Its one th

Why were there so many ex-pfizer people trolling on this board. Move on already and quit spreading panic among the current employees. Losers. You found another job after pfizer? great! Go do your damn job and quit posting on here.

Stop lying!

You got lucky. Of course it CAN happen, but the likelihood is very low. Three years ago, there were 170K pharma reps, today there are around 100K reps, and dropping (just look at the pfizer layoffs, and many more planned). This means that at least 40% of reps that are laid off dont even stand a chance of getting back into this industry. We also all know that the pharma rep position is not really a sales position, and that there are not marketable skills that justify high salaries doing anything else, especially in this economy. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of those aid off, will be lucky to find a job at even 1/3 what they are currently making. Especially if you dont live in or around a top 5 city, your lives are about to change dramatically. Houses will foreclose, bankruptcies will occur, wives who have never worked, will start waiting tables, maybe 20-30% of those layed off will land something else within6-12 months. The rest will have their lives cjanged forever!! This is reality! This is truth!

Its one thing to encourage people, it another thing to give unrealistic expectations by blowing smoke up their butts.
I agree with this post. I am sick and tired of liars coming on here and bragging about their $120,000 new pharma sales job they got after getting laid off. Look, Sanofi just laid off thousands in December, Novartis quickly followed by cutting the same number. GSK's "death by 1,000 cuts" strategy got them sued by several of the thousands they laid off over the past 3 years, after promising that each cut was the LAST. Merck cut thousands of reps a couple of years ago, and brought in PDI or Publicis contract reps at a fraction of the cost.

The honest and simple truth is that there may be a few jobs out there for the talented and well-connected, but outside of a VERY few pharma and biotech companies, everyone is cutting their field forces, just like we are. And now that WE cut, most will respond by cutting their numbers even lower. This industry is "me-too" in every sense of the word.

I've been here since 1992, and I can count on one hand how many ex- Pfizer DMs and RMs have landed similar jobs. And most of them got those jobs 3-4 years ago. If you dont believe me, ask a headhunter of your choosing to provide you with proof that they've landed swarms of pharma sales reps and managers jobs that pay as well as the job they left behind. This aint 1998 people, where every company added multiple divisions because Pfizer and Merck had them.

My suggestion is to get that resume ready and be prepared to leave the industry. Conversely, you can stick to your guns, believe CP's BS posters and keep a-hopin and a-wishin that Amgen or Novartis or a medical device company is going to sweep in and save the day.

Why were there so many ex-pfizer people trolling on this board. Move on already and quit spreading panic among the current employees. Losers. You found another job after pfizer? great! Go do your damn job and quit posting on here.

You want panic? Go to LinkedIn, where you'll see former Pfizer DBMS, General Managers, and SVPs still looking for work, 3 years after they've been cut. And how many companies outside of this industry are willing to pay over $100,000 for someone to give 30 second commercials? You ever notice that all of these "I got a $120,000 job in 6 months" people never EVER list their company's name? Why not? Cuz they're full of it.

At least those of us that paint a gloomier picture speak the truth, and its better to hear it while you still have a job or are newly released than it is to be shocked and saddened when reality hits after your unemployment runs out.

You want panic? Go to LinkedIn, where you'll see former Pfizer DBMS, General Managers, and SVPs still looking for work, 3 years after they've been cut. And how many companies outside of this industry are willing to pay over $100,000 for someone to give 30 second commercials? You ever notice that all of these "I got a $120,000 job in 6 months" people never EVER list their company's name? Why not? Cuz they're full of it.

At least those of us that paint a gloomier picture speak the truth, and its better to hear it while you still have a job or are newly released than it is to be shocked and saddened when reality hits after your unemployment runs out.

We don't need your help in painting anything. Quit trolling on this board. Pathetic no life loser

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