Wound Reconstruction Thoughts

Short cryptic scumbag? Only thing he ever sold at Integra was his joke self to Bartlett? The guy everyone said shld absolutely not be in a leadership position then was put in one only to have it taken away? Yep, Integra lets him harass whoever he wants. The jokes write themselves…..

Short cryptic scumbag? Only thing he ever sold at Integra was his joke self to Bartlett? The guy everyone said shld absolutely not be in a leadership position then was put in one only to have it taken away? Yep, Integra lets him harass whoever he wants. The jokes write themselves…..

Remarkably accurate and tragic at the same time. I feel bad for anyone who had to report to him. Another stellar promotion brought to you by Integra management. Whoever said lets promote this guy needs some of our Neuro products.

Short cryptic scumbag? Only thing he ever sold at Integra was his joke self to Bartlett? The guy everyone said shld absolutely not be in a leadership position then was put in one only to have it taken away? Yep, Integra lets him harass whoever he wants. The jokes write themselves…..

Leave BH alone….He’s the man!!